[python-win32] mfc71.dll missing and not found on website?

Leeuw van der, Tim tim.leeuwvander at nl.unisys.com
Thu Dec 9 11:39:01 CET 2004


I installed build 203 of the win32 extensions for Python (python 2.4) and the installer complains about missing mfc71.dll (don't remember the exact filename). The installer refers to the website, saying it can be downloaded from there, however I don't find it and I don't find it on the SF.net download pages either!

I've looked into the FAQ and Installation Problems Guide, but didn't find references to this DLL there. I tried searching the python-win32 mailing list archives, but didn't see references there either that could help me.

Can anyone perhaps help me to find that DLL?

thanks in advance,

--Tim van der Leeuw

(PS: I'm not subscribed to the list, so please include me in replies!)

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