[python-win32] wmi + pythonservice : multithreading issues

Tim Golden tim.golden at viacom-outdoor.co.uk
Fri Aug 27 17:46:43 CEST 2004

Sorry, just got back off a three-week long course, so
I've only just picked up this thread. It seems as though
the dust has now settled on your original question and
the responses. Could I just clarify the main points you
initially raised re WMI / threading and Services.

As I understand it:

1) You're using WMI in a service

2) The service framework implicitly starts a 
   separate thread inside which you're doing
   some WMI work.

3) As a result of this threading, a WMI syntax? 
   error is thrown.

Have I understood correctly?

The thing is that I have successfully used WMI inside
a (near-trivial) service, and -- although I can't at
the moment find my code -- inside a (near-trivial)
thread, both times without any problems. I'm running 
Python 2.3 on Win2K.

Additionally, I can't really understand why a WMI
syntax error should result, as opposed to some sort
of runtime error.

If it's possible, I'd be interested to see the code
which caused the error, or at least to narrow down
the possibilities.


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