[python-win32] Re: Desire information about Invoke and InvokeTypes

Mark Hammond mhammond at skippinet.com.au
Wed Apr 21 08:30:46 EDT 2004

> explicit is better than..., but I may not be the VB way.

too true :)

> It seems CDispatch exposes the default method/property via
> the __call__
> mechanism, which is fine.  I'm only wondering why __str__ and __int__
> try to use it also.
> Anyway, the whole Dispatch stuff seems to do a lot of guesswork
> internally.
> Probably a lot of (my?) confusion has to do with the fact that VB
> doesn't separate properties and methods.

Exactly.  Sometimes, the default "thingy" is a method, sometimes a property.
Sometimes it wants args (eg, collections), sometimes it doesn't.  As you
mention, VB's legacy, including abominations as "properties with args",
leaves us with something that is very difficult to understand, and
impossible to judge as "right" or "wrong" - everything just seems "could be
better" ;)


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