[python-win32] Strange issue with killing a process

Niki Spahiev niki at vintech.bg
Tue Oct 21 03:27:59 EDT 2003

stephen wrote:

> But, and here's what's strange, this will only work if called from the same
> script. When I pickle 'id' and exit the script without killing the process, I
> can't start another script that would unpickle 'id' and then kill the process.
> Trying to do so gives me this error:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "killprocess.py", line 20, in ?
>     win32api.TerminateProcess(id,0)
> pywintypes.error: (6, 'TerminateProcess', 'The handle is invalid.')
> Anyone know what's going on?

Handles are closed when process terimantes. You must open new handle in 
second process.

Niki Spahiev

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