[python-win32] Problem about py2exe. Thanks

lourie lourie at 21cn.com
Wed Nov 12 00:17:55 EST 2003

Hello python-win32,

 When using py2exe to generate a exe file on Windows2000 server and
 trying to run the file, I met the problem:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<string>", line 1, in ?
  File "imputil.pyc", line 106, in _import_hook
ImportError: No module named wxPython.wx 

But I could use 'python Attribute.py' to run properly.
And I found in the following messages that wxPython is found.

What's wrong? Thanks.

running py2exe
running build
running build_scripts
running install_scripts
creating build\bdist.win32\winexe
creating build\bdist.win32\winexe\lib
creating build\bdist.win32\winexe\lib\Python22
creating build\bdist.win32\winexe\lib\Python22\Scripts
copying build\scripts-2.2\AttributeP.py -> build\bdist.win32\winexe\lib\Python22
| Processing script AttributeP.py with py2exe-0.3.3
creating build\bdist.win32\winexe\collect
creating build\bdist.win32\winexe\collect\AttributeP
creating build\bdist.win32\winexe\collect\AttributeP\Scripts.py2exe
Searching modules needed to run 'AttributeP.py' on path:
b\\site-packages', '', 'D:\\Python22', 'E:\\work\\python\\mycode\\wychi', 'D:\\P
ython22\\DLLs', 'D:\\Python22\\lib', 'D:\\Python22\\lib\\lib-tk', 'D:\\Python22\
\lib\\site-packages', 'D:\\Python22\\lib\\site-packages\\PIL']
force_imports =
Resolving binary dependencies:
ext_mapping = {
 'wxPython.wizardc': ('wizardc.pyd', ('.pyd', 'rb', 3))
 '_sre': ('_sre.pyd', ('.pyd', 'rb', 3))
 'wxPython.gridc': ('gridc.pyd', ('.pyd', 'rb', 3))
 'wxPython.wxc': ('wxc.pyd', ('.pyd', 'rb', 3))
 '_mysql': ('_mysql.pyd', ('.pyd', 'rb', 3))
copying D:\Python22\lib\site-packages\py2exe\support.py -> build\bdist.win32\win
byte-compiling D:\Python22\lib\pre.py to pre.pyc
byte-compiling D:\Python22\lib\site-packages\MySQLdb\converters.py to MySQLdb\co
byte-compiling D:\Python22\lib\__future__.py to __future__.pyc
byte-compiling D:\Python22\lib\copy_reg.py to copy_reg.pyc
byte-compiling D:\Python22\lib\site-packages\wxPython\fonts.py to wxPython\fonts
byte-compiling D:\Python22\lib\site-packages\wxPython\windows.py to wxPython\win
byte-compiling D:\Python22\lib\site-packages\wxPython\wizard.py to wxPython\wiza
byte-compiling D:\Python22\lib\site-packages\wxPython\events.py to wxPython\even
creating dist\AttributeP\AttributeP.exe
warning: py2exe: ***************************************************************
warning: py2exe: * The following modules were not found:
warning: py2exe: *   cmndlgsc
warning: py2exe: *   utilsc
warning: py2exe: *   clip_dndc
warning: py2exe: *   DateTime
warning: py2exe: *   windows3c
warning: py2exe: *   filesysc
warning: py2exe: *   eventsc
warning: py2exe: *   windows2c
warning: py2exe: *   controlsc
warning: py2exe: *   mx.DateTime
warning: py2exe: *   misc2c
warning: py2exe: *   windowsc
warning: py2exe: *   stattoolc
warning: py2exe: *   mdic
warning: py2exe: *   gdic
warning: py2exe: *   sizersc
warning: py2exe: *   printfwc
warning: py2exe: *   fontsc
warning: py2exe: *   imagec
warning: py2exe: *   streamsc
warning: py2exe: *   miscc
warning: py2exe: *   controls2c
warning: py2exe: *   framesc
warning: py2exe: ***************************************************************
removing 'build\bdist.win32\winexe\collect\AttributeP' (and everything under it)

Built File dist\AttributeP\AttributeP.exe
removing 'build\bdist.win32\winexe' (and everything under it)

Best regards,
 lourie                          mailto:lourie at 21cn.com

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