[python-win32] Re: Can we add 'native COM support' to a 3rd p arty DLL/OLB

Andrew MacIntyre Andrew.MacIntyre at aba.gov.au
Mon May 26 20:33:01 EDT 2003

> From: Andrew MacIntyre 
> Sent: Monday, 26 May 2003 5:36 PM


> While it would be nice to be able to use Pythonwin & ctypes together, 
> as far as I can make out there's no way to get a useful IUnknown 
> pointer (to feed to ctypes) from Pythonwin's PyIUnknown objects.

You only see these things afterwards... ;-|

The repr() of a PyIUnknown:
<PyIUnknown at 0x10a182c with obj at 0xe7924c>

Just parsing the repr() output should get an address for the object.
I'll experiment a bit more tomorrow...

BTW, I've encountered a couple of problems with the readtlb.py generated 
interface files:
 - a considerable number of out-of-order class definitions (I expect 
   this is in the source .olb file, and not much you can do; I mention 
   it in case someone else trips over it...);
 - there is one class in this particular object library that starts with 
   2 underscores - this causes a puzzling name error!;
 - there was a pointer definition that didn't get made, though I can see 
   it in an IDL file generated from the same object library.

I'm still wading through the re-ordering of this interface file (!3500 
class defs, ~40000 lines)...


Andrew MacIntyre                  \ E-mail: andrew.macintyre at aba.gov.au
Planning & Licensing Branch        \ Tel:   +61 2 6256 2812
Australian Broadcasting Authority   \ Fax:  +61 2 6253 3277
-> "These thoughts are mine alone!" <----------------------------------

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