[python-win32] monitoring process vm size

Tim Golden tim.golden at viacom-outdoor.co.uk
Thu Jul 31 09:42:59 EDT 2003

> From: Nate Gelbard [mailto:gelbardn at tripwire.com]
> I'm trying to write a python script to monitor 
> the vm size (and perhaps cpu utilization)
> of a handful of JVMs on Win2k and XP. 
> Is win32pdh what I am after, or is there another
> interface to the Task Manager?

Can't claim to be an expert here, but WMI can give you
 quite a lot of info about processes. Get hold of the
 wmi module from http://tgolden.sc.sabren.com/python/wmi.html
 and try something like the following:

import wmi

computer = wmi.WMI ()
for process in computer.Win32_Process ():
  print process

This will list various attributes of all the processes
 currently running on the local computer. You can
 specify a remote computer in the WMI constructor,
 and/or can keep track of when processes are started
 or stopped or go over a certain limit etc.


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