[python-win32] Py2exe problem

Bill Harris wb_harris at hotmail.com
Tue Dec 30 00:30:57 EST 2003

I am running into the following problem, and I hope someone here can help

I am developing a wxPython application using Boa constructor (v 0.2.3) and
wxPython 2.4 and Python 2.3.2. I am running Windows XP Pro, Service Pack 1

One of my modules uses strptime in the time module. I have a straight
forward import:
from time import *

The program runs fine under boa, but when I build a Windows executable using
py2exe with the -w option, I get the following ImportError  - 'no module
found _strptime'.

Any suggestions?

Bill Harris
{PGP Key ID: 2D10 DD0A}

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