[python-win32] Re: Py2exe, Active-X and CAB

Thomas Heller theller at python.net
Sat Aug 9 01:12:50 EDT 2003

Paul Prescod <paul at prescod.net> writes:

> Has anyone made a Web-downloadable, CAB-compressed Active-X using py2exe?
> I'm trying to use py2exe and cabarac to build an Active-X and am
> having trouble getting the browser to recognize it and register it. I
> believe that this is due to the fact that Python loads pythoncom.dll
> (and pyds?) using LoadLibrary instead of statically referring to
> them. The problem is that regsvr32 tries to load our someobject.dll
> and the someobject.dll doesn't know how to find the library it depends
> upon because (I'm told) LoadLibrary isn't smart enough to use the DLL
> as the base for library searches.
> Any ideas?

Install pythoncomxx.dll on the path somewhere. Is this possible for a
cab? (Although I'm not sure py2exe can currently handle this, but it
could be fixed.)

Isn't this also the readson that it lives in the system directory even
in the normal win32all distribution?


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