[python-win32] PDC vs VLAN cage match.

null-python-win32 at tinfoilhat.ca null-python-win32 at tinfoilhat.ca
Mon Aug 4 00:39:11 EDT 2003

I'm still having little luck enumerating across VLANs.
Though the following bit of code was suggested by Mr. Harks did help:

>import win32com.client
>adsi = win32com.client.Dispatch("ADsNameSpaces")
>nt = adsi.GetObject("", "WinNT:")
>dom = nt.OpenDSObject("WinNT://DOM", "user", "password", 0)
>dom.Filter = ["computer"]
>for comp in dom:
>    print comp.Name

Any sources for documenatation on this?  Specifically the ADsNameSpaces
stuff?  This is a pretty different approach than using WMI, maybe it's the
same thing though I'm not qualified to tell.

As far as win32sdk stuff is concerned I'm jumping into that pool without
checking if it has water in it first.  It is extremly interesting though
the lack of descriptive documentation is a bit troubling.

I'm sure this documentation exists though I'm having a hard time finding it.
I could really use some book or site suggestions.


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