[python-win32] Starting COM questions

Blair Hall b.hall@irl.cri.nz
Fri, 16 Aug 2002 16:08:25 +1200

I need to develop some COM stuff later in the year (my first
attempt at COM programming) and I am asking myself whether
to do it with Python or VisualC++6.

I have two questions:

1) I have found John Nielsen's "Python, C++ and COM" and would like to
gather up more documentation like this that could ease my passage
(eg HowTos, examples, tutorials, ...). I have not found much else so far.

2)  Perhaps more important, supposing I do develop my COM components
with Python. They only need to be prototypes, so optimisation is not an issue.
However, the possibility of distributing them to others (for evaluation) is.

Given that the potential evaluation platforms won't have Python, how useful
are my components going to be?

To put it another way, can anyone comment on how one distributes Python COM