[python-uk] A question about etiquette for posting jobs or looking for extra help on freelance gigs

Tim Golden mail at timgolden.me.uk
Wed Jan 30 10:30:01 EST 2019

Heh :)

This is a fairly quiet list, but whenever someone posts a job post, a 
conversation will ensue along almost Pythonesque lines:

A: Here's a relevant Python-specific job I'm advertising

B: You can't post Jobs here! It's a mailing list

C: *Cough* actually, you can; we discussed this at some length in the 
Council of 2016

B: Oh yes. But it can't be a recruiter

C: Well, it could be if they're posting something specific and not just 
"Ninja Coders to $$$$"

A: So can I post this job?


So -- please go ahead and post, and if you want to include something in 
the header to help people who are especially sensitive, please do so.

python-uk: let the Games begin!


On 30/01/2019 15:21, Chris Adams wrote:
> Hi folks
> I've been a lurker on this list for a while, and I'd like to post a 
> request for help for a 3-6 month long freelancer project, but I wanted 
> to check what the etiquette was before I did this about posting jobs.
> Is there something like [JOBS] I should put in the subject title, so 
> people can filter it out, or similar?
> I had a quick skim over the mailing list archive, and I didn't see a 
> pattern in the job ads or but I may well have missed it some guidance - 
> if there is, would a kind soul point me to it?
> If there isn't, I'll just send a post in a bit with what I'm looking for.
> Thanks
> P.S. A bit more context. I work as freelancer myself, and I really like 
> the place I'm working, but I lucked out and a funding application I sent 
> ages ago landed 
> <https://twitter.com/mrchrisadams/status/1085590933884817409>, so I'm 
> looking find someone I can work with to hand over before the new project 
> happens.
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