[python-uk] November London Python Dojo

Tim Golden mail at timgolden.me.uk
Fri Oct 26 05:13:44 EDT 2018


The London Python Code Dojo is back next Thursday, the 1st of November 
at 6:30pm.

Gazprom (GM&T) are hosting us for the first time at their offices near 
Regents Park: 20 Triton St, London NW1 3BF

We will have our usual mixture of socialising, and hacking on silly 
problems. For those who wish, there will be post-Dojo socialising in a 
nearby pub. And of course the O'Reilly book give away.

What is a dojo?

A coding dojo is a safe place (we use the PyCon UK code of conduct) to 
deliberately practise and develop your coding skills, and perhaps learn 
something new too. We don't really (read: never) stick to a strict dojo 
format but rather brainstorm ideas for problems to solve, choosing one 
by popular, if complicated, vote, and then break into teams courtesy of 
the London Python Dojo Fully Patented Numbering Scheme for an hour and a 
half of furious coding (at least, furious something). To wrap the 
evening up each team does a “show and tell”, and end with drinks in the pub.

All programming abilities welcome, we have diverse attendees ranging 
from beginners to core Python contributors!

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