[python-uk] [pyconuk] PyCon UK 2017: schedule, and last chance to get tickets

Nicholas H.Tollervey ntoll at ntoll.org
Fri Oct 6 08:38:03 EDT 2017

Exactly... we should be very grateful to have such a hard working team
of volunteers led by Peter. Well done to all of you for creating what
looks to be the best PyCon UK ever.


On 06/10/17 13:35, Tim Golden wrote:
> On 06/10/2017 12:58, Peter Inglesby wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> On behalf of the PyCon UK committee, I'm delighted to announce the
>> full schedule for PyCon UK 2017 <http://2017.pyconuk.org/schedule/>!
>> We're hosting a huge number of talks, workshops, and other sessions. 
>> Speakers are coming from all over the world to share their
>> experiments, discoveries, problems, solutions, achievements, failures,
>> and other adventures.
> I have had the benefit of seeing some of the behind-the-scenes work to
> get this together, and can I thank Peter and the others who've worked to
> put everything in place?
> Even if you've never had to do this, you can imagine how tricky it is to
> juggle everything into place, including day-long workshops, panel
> sessions, keynote speakers, regular talks, different room capacities,
> speakers' particular time constraints and all the rest. Plus getting it
> all in a responsive layout.
> I look forward to being there...
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