[python-uk] Volunteers needed test/break the ALPHA Python micro:bit blocks

Nicholas H.Tollervey ntoll at ntoll.org
Tue Mar 7 06:39:01 EST 2017

On 07/03/17 10:34, Russel Winder wrote:
> Is this related to or different from the Microsoft micro:bit
> programming environment – which I saw at NorDevCon a couple of weeks
> back and it is quite good.

Nope, it's nothing to do with PXT (created by Microsoft from their
TouchDevelop platform). What they do share is a re-use of Google's
Blockly project to make the blocks work. The other thing they share is
they target the micro:bit -- we use MicroPython, PXT transpiles blocks
to Javascript and then to something a bit similar to the CLR layer
flashed onto the device.

I was asked how much effort it would take to make a blocks based UI, and
after a couple of weeks we had what you see at the link I posted.

One thing we're missing is a browser based emulator, but there's one
been built by another member of the community which we could re-purpose.


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