[python-uk] A stack with better performance than using a list

Jonathan Hartley tartley at tartley.com
Thu Jun 8 11:41:57 EDT 2017

I cannot be sure. It is certainly used by many people. They are 
competent in that it is a comprehensive online framework, allowing 
candidates to submit solutions using an online editor, in any one of 
about ten different languages. They are so large that there was no 
obvious way to talk to anyone about my individual experience. I don't 
knowingly know any other candidates who have submitted.

I don't want to identify them because the first step of the quiz is to 
accept the T&C that you won't reveal the answers to others (oops.), but 
suffice to say they are very large Indeed.

On 6/8/2017 03:48, Andy Robinson wrote:
> Are you sure that their test infrastructure was behaving correctly?
> Is it widely used, day in day out, by thousands, and known to be
> reliable?  Did your colleagues all brag "no problem"?  Or is it
> possible that the whole execution framework threw a momentary wobbly
> while trying to load up some large text file off some remote cloud?
> Andy
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Jonathan Hartley    tartley at tartley.com    http://tartley.com
Made out of meat.   +1 507-513-1101        twitter/skype: tartley

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