[python-uk] Static site generators with Python

Pepper R. ryan.pepper at soton.ac.uk
Fri Sep 2 15:27:32 EDT 2016

Sent from my iPhone
On 2 Sep 2016, at 20:18, Alistair Broomhead <alistair.broomhead at gmail.com<mailto:alistair.broomhead at gmail.com>> wrote:

It's also worth looking at circleci and buildbot, where the latter is run locally, which has its own pros and cons, and the former has had a lot of hype because of support for parallelism. Travis has good integration with slack though which is cool, and it has a lot of community support.

Personally, I've preferred Circle over Travis purely on the basis that you can SSH into the build, which makes things much easier if you want to diagnose why something hasn't worked.

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