[python-uk] CamPUG: Next meeting Tue 2nd Aug 2016

Tibs tibs at tibsnjoan.co.uk
Wed Jul 27 14:59:55 EDT 2016

The next meeting of the Cambridge Python User Group will be on Tuesday 2nd August at 7pm

Note that this meeting will be in Room LR4 (on the ground floor) of the Department of Engineering

Charlotte [http://charlottegodley.co.uk] will be talking about her Music library project [http://github.com/Godley/Music-Library], a multi platform app she wrote for her final year project as part of her BSc Computer Science degree last year. The app is intended to be an open and extendible platform for organising sheet music (the notation for classical music given to players in an orchestra or similar), a problem which hasn't really been solved by other software even though there's plenty of software which can help you compose new music. 

Charlotte will talk about reasons she thinks the problem hasn't been addressed, problems she had working with music formats, including some thoughts on how we think about and perceive sheet music and Optical Music Recognition, particular issues technically with Python and forcing a single codebase to work on Windows, OSX and GNU/Linux, and how the app turned out in the end.

Please note that we are now on meetup.com, at http://www.meetup.com/CamPUG/. If possible, please RSVP there for meetings so we have an idea of numbers. As an incentive, there's normally more detail about each meeting there, and you can also find out about future meetings.

Tweeting may occur at https://twitter.com/campython


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