[python-uk] Next CamPUG meeting: Tue 1st Feb 2016

Tony Ibbs tibs at tibsnjoan.co.uk
Tue Jan 26 16:04:03 EST 2016

The next Cambridge Python User Group meeting will be on Tuesday 1st February at 7pm

Geoffrey French will talk about Deep Learning, which he has used to recognise dead fish (for money) and facial expressions (for fun):

"In the last few years, deep neural networks have been used to generate state of the art results in image classification, segmentation and object detection. They have also successfully been used for speech recognition. In this talk, I will give an introduction to deep neural networks. I will cover how they work, how they are trained, and how to get going. The talk will primarily focus on image processing."

About himself, Geoffrey says: 

"I am a researcher at Kings College London working in the area of developing new kinds of programming tools. I have also worked on two computer vision projects in the past, aimed at processing microscope images and quantifying surveillance videos from fishing trawlers. I tend to use Python out of choice for almost anything I can!"

This meeting will be held at the Department of Engineering (that should link to a map).

For those who came to the January meeting, we should be in a room two floors up from that room. Come in at reception, and the stairs are on the right. If the reception doors are shut and locked, then there may be a porter to let you in, and otherwise I shall have left a notice on one of the doors with my mobile number, so you can ring to be let in. There may be lots of other people around the ground floor, as there is another event on.

Meetings after that will be:

	• Tuesday 1st March 2016 - Come and play with Anvil (http://www.meetup.com/CamPUG/events/227697910/)
	• Tuesday 5th April 2016 - Compiling B with Python (http://www.meetup.com/CamPUG/events/227894378/)
	• Tuesday 3rd May - to be determined

Please note that we are also now on meetup.com, at http://www.meetup.com/CamPUG/. If possible, please RSVP there for meetings so we have an idea of numbers. As an incentive, there's much more detail about each meeting there.

Tweeting may occur at https://twitter.com/campython


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