[python-uk] Data Wrangling with Python Course

Tom Wright tom at tatw.name
Mon Apr 18 09:00:10 EDT 2016


So there are a couple of python events that you could advertise at. The
python coding dojo is quite big, and if you contact ntoll or tom vines you
could probably get them to make an announcement for you. The django meet up
is also quite big.

It might also be worth scouring meetup.com (most groups tend to publicise
themselves on this) for relevant groups and contacting their admins to ask
you can post to the list. I know there are a couple of groups related to
data analysis. http://www.meetup.com/The-London-Python-Group-TLPG/ might be
of particular interest, though I've never been.

Other potentially interesting people to talk to are Bank of America (they
have an office in London!), since they do all their statistical work in
python (with a range of their own slightly strange tools). Also perhaps
some of the universities: UCL and London Imperial are probably the big
ones, and I imagine they have somewhere you can post. If you had issues
posting I might be able to dig up some contacts for you: I have a friend
who did a PhD at UCL, and we regularly higher people from imperial.

You might want to think about your audience as well, for example in my
experience the python coding dojo has quite a lot of people new
programming, and this can be true of lots of meet up groups in general, so
this might affect what material you want to cover. I'd say there are three
distinct audiences you should be aware of "programmers that want to learn
to maths, statisticians who want to learn to program, and people who want
to learn to do both at the same time but aren't necessarily very commited"

I should also probably do the mandatory advert for my company (
http://www.gambitresearch.com/about.html), we program in python and do a
reasonable amount of statistics, so if you decided you like London so much
after giving your talk that you wanted to move here and get a job....

On Sun, Apr 17, 2016 at 11:51 PM, Katharine Jarmul <kjarmul at gmail.com>

> Hi there,
> My name is Katharine; I live in Berlin, Germany and write Python (/me
> waves). I'm writing here because I'm promoting a course on learning Python
> data wrangling / big data in London next month and was hoping for
> suggestions on places to promote the class. It's a two day introduction to
> data analysis with Python covering lots of pandas, some hadoop and spark as
> well as some scaling and automation. Any tips on getting the word out would
> be wonderful. (eventbrite link:
> https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/data-wrangling-with-python-tickets-24508496573 ).
> Also, if any Python events are happening that week (May 23-29) I'd love to
> hear about them and meet some London pythonistas. :)
> Thanks in advance for any / all advice! If you'd rather reach out via
> twitter I'm @kjam.
> -katharine
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