[python-uk] The next python london meetup

Antonio Cavallo a.cavallo at cavallinux.eu
Sat Jul 4 17:03:19 CEST 2015

just a quick notice.

We're going to meet for the next meetup and these are the details,

Author:       David R. MacIver
Subject:      Finding more bugs with less work
Date:         18.30, 6th August 2015
Location:     Onefinestay,
               5 St Johns Lane
               London EC1M 4BH
Description:  Software testing is often terrible, because we lack the tools to make it good.
               As a result we often spend a huge amount of effort on testing and still let obvious
               bugs slip through. Hypothesis is a new testing library for Python that aims to help
               fix this, by making your test suite go actively looking for bugs in places you didn't
               expect to find them. In this talk, the author of Hypothesis talks about the approach
               behind it and some of the practicalities of using it.

I hope this helps,

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