[python-uk] [EuroPython-Members] EuroPython Reboot

Reimar Bauer r.bauer at fz-juelich.de
Fri Sep 19 11:29:12 CEST 2014

Dear John, dear all Pythonistas

thanks for taking time to organize this. I enjoyed all get together in
the past EuroPython conferences or everywhere I was able to meet the
Python folks.

I have also a long term experience in organizing smaller Python
community events.

My (Reimar Bauer) personal opinion is that we were already in 2012 on
the path to run in this issue or a little earlier. In 2012 we had a
reboot of the EPS Board. The old board already made beforehand the
decission to run 3rd year in Florence.
At this time the bell was ringing. Now it rings louder.

The question also should be if this big picture some of us have is
necessary and where does it block us.
I would prefer to dream a big picture instead of having it seen and made
this the goal to run for. The room to move shouldn't too much limited.

I try to be online on the meeting time.

best regards

Am 18.09.2014 um 11:47 schrieb John Pinner:
> Hello Fellow European Pythonistas,
> This year's EuroPython in Berlin was a grat event, enjoyed by over
> 1000 Pythonistas and the biggest EP to date.
> What most of us would have been unaware of was that under the surface,
> there had been major problems with relations between the EuroPython
> Society (EPS) board and those heading up the local organising team.
> These problems could be serious enough to put the future of EuroPython
> itself at risk and already have resulted in plans for a repeat of
> EuroPython 2014 Berlin in 2015 being abandoned.
> Now I (John Pinner) like many others feel passionately about our
> Python community, and this is part of the problem : people throw
> themselves into organising our events, put in *lots* of work, and
> don't necessarily see the bigger picture : constructive criticism may
> not be taken, or given, as intended. Then relationships deteriorate
> and positions get entrenched, this was apparent (to me, I don't know
> about anyone else) at the EPS General Assembly in Berlin.
> Believe me, I have been involved in voluntary organisations for over
> 30 years, and this is common and all the more sad as it stems from the
> same basic passion and desire to serve the community.
> As someone who has been involved in EuroPython from the early days,
> and a past organiser, I don't wish to see the current problems
> continue and put the future of EuroPython at risk. I don't think it's
> too late to do something about it.
> PyCon UK 2014 starts tomorrow in Coventry, and quite a few EuroPython
> fans will be attending, so this is an opportunity to join together and
> see if we can resolve some of these problems. This is quite
> appropriate as, for sad historical reasons (which we have learnt from
> and put behind us, let's do the same on a much smaller scale for
> EuroPython) Coventry is the City of Reconciliation
> So I'm setting up a "EuroPython Reboot" meeting at PyCon UK 2014, at
> 11:00am local time (I believe that's 10:00am European time). Some of
> us will be able to attend this meeting in person, for those who
> cannot, we'll set up a video call on either https://appear.in/epreboot
> or Google hangout.
> I'll put this up on the PyCon UK wiki at
> http://pyconuk.net/EuropythonReboot and when we finalise the details,
> they'll be there.
> One thing I will stress, this is my idea as an individual who cares
> about the future of EuroPython, it is *not* being done at the behest
> of, or under the influence of, either the Berlin organisers or the EPS
> Board.
> If you too care about EuroPython, please join us at this meeting.
> Thanks,
> John
> --
> _______________________________________________________________________
> EuroPython-Members Mailing List
> https://www.egenix.com/mailman/listinfo/europython-members
> EuroPython: https://www.europython.eu/
> EuroPython Society: http://www.europython-society.org/

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