[python-uk] Next CamPUG meeting: Tue 4th Nov 2014

Tony Ibbs tibs at tibsnjoan.co.uk
Mon Oct 27 22:29:55 CET 2014

As it says on our google group:

The next meeting will be Tuesday 4th November, 7.30pm at RealVNC (http://goo.gl/maps/ktqpS). We normally stop about 9.30pm, and go on to the pub.

This will be a talks meeting, so extra points to anyone who brings a talk, a lightning talk, something you'd like to talk about, or just your favourite bit of Python news.

Meetings after that will be:
	• Tuesday 2nd December - a miscellaneous meeting
	• Tuesday 6th January, a talks meeting
	• Tuesday 3rd February

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