[python-uk] Sponsor PyconUK

Nicholas H.Tollervey ntoll at ntoll.org
Fri Jul 18 11:31:52 CEST 2014

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Hi Folks,

Yes, September is fast approaching and this year's PyconUK is going to
be better than ever! (I hope you've all booked your tickets.)

To make it the resounding success that it deserves to be we need
sponsorship! If you work for a Python based business why not consider
one of the various options outlined here:


There are levels of support for all sorts of different sized businesses.

Now I realise you may be a programmer rather than someone who controls
the purse strings. If that's the case, go see the person who control
such purse strings and make your case! Better still, forward them
these reasons for becoming a sponsor of PyconUK:

* Developers who love Python love companies that support Python. If
you're hiring, being able to say "we sponsor PyconUK" is an instant
tick in your favour and will differentiate your company and projects
from the crowd of "exciting greenfield projects for totally exciting
companies in the city" that crowd the job boards.

* If you're offering a technical product our delegates are likely to
be your customers.

* If you're using Python to deliver to a non-technical customer our
delegates include the authors and maintainers of some of the software
you probably use to build your product - it's a way to say thank-you
and if you ever reach out to them, they're likely to be familiar with
your support for PyconUK.

* You work for a good company? Sponsoring PyconUK is a great way to
prove it.

Don't believe us?

If you mention small Python development company Fry-IT to any London
based Python developer they'll instantly say, "they're a great
company". Do they have a problem hiring? No, and they certainly don't
use job agents! Why? Because they sponsor PyconUK and the London
Python Code Dojo.

Ask about the education track and PyconUK delegates will say, "those
Bank of America guys were great". People were so impressed by the
sponsorship of Bank of America for last year's conference that they
were regularly mentioned in post-conference blogs.

Wouldn't it be great if people talked about your company in these ways..?

I'm more than happy to answer any questions you may have (as are
others on the organising committee) and feel free to point your
purse-string person in my direction.

All the best,

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