[python-uk] interested in being interviewed?

René Dudfield renesd at gmail.com
Mon Feb 3 15:56:02 CET 2014


I'm looking to interview python programmers for a new online magazine about
tech in the UK and EU.

We'd especially like to chat if you're based outside of London!  Also, if
you know of anyone doing something interesting that they want to tell the
world about... please let them know we're trying to find people to

We show people their interview before we publish it, since we don't want to
write anything that's incorrect or which might misrepresent or embarrass
anyone.  So if you don't like something we can change it, or not publish it
at all if you want.  We can do the interview via skype, or I can call you.

Holding page for mag if you want more information:
    renesd At the google email service.

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