[python-uk] Next CamPUG meeting: Tue 2nd Sep 2014

Tony Ibbs tibs at tibsnjoan.co.uk
Fri Aug 29 23:24:58 CEST 2014

From our Google group:

The next meeting will be Tuesday 2nd September, 7.30pm at RealVNC (http://goo.gl/maps/ktqpS). We normally stop about 9.30pm, and go on to the pub.

This will be a talks meeting, so bring a talk, a lightning talk, something you'd like to talk about, or just your favourite bit of Python news.

Apologies for the short notice - the world science fiction convention rather fried my brain for a while there.

I've been at EuroSciPy 2014 in Cambridge today, and will be again tomorrow, so should have stuff to report on from that (it's very good so far), and have ideas for a couple of lightning talks for PyConUK (Fri 19th .. Sun 21 September, not including the tutorials on the Monday) that I might want to practice, if I've had time to put anything together.

Meetings after that will be:

	• Tuesday 7th October - a miscellaneous meeting, possibly talking about things learnt and fun had at PyConUK
	• Tuesday 4th November, a talks meeting
	• Tuesday 2nd December - another miscellaneous meeting


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