[python-uk] Python training courses

Tony Ibbs tibs at tibsnjoan.co.uk
Thu Aug 21 21:59:13 CEST 2014

On 20 Aug 2014, at 21:33, Ian Ozsvald wrote:

> Hello Tibs, we met at PyConUK a year or two back, I hope to say Hi
> again in a month's time at the next one.

I shall be there, and hope to say Hi back

> My group run Data Science and High Performance Python training based
> out of London.
> The first focuses on improving numpy/scipy/TDD skills, the second on
> profiling/compiling/JITs/multi-core/clusters/less RAM/storage
> system/debugging. Both have lots of exercises and they're very
> hands-on. I've taught for years at PyCons, EuroSciPys, EuroPythons and
> I've just finished writing O'Reilly's book on High Performance Python.
> Course details here:
> http://ianozsvald.com/2014/08/01/python-training-courses-data-science-and-high-performance-python-coming-in-october/
> via my Data Science agency http://modelinsight.io/

I believe the interest is more in an introductory/follow on course to general Python programming, although I'm making a note because this may be useful some day for different people.

And, of course, I'll be buying the book (for myself!) when it comes out…

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