[python-uk] Don't be afraid to commit - a free Python/Django workshop (Cardiff)

craig astill jackson15j at hotmail.com
Fri Jan 11 13:55:44 CET 2013

I would be interested in this.


> A hands-on workshop for Python/Django developers who would like to
> contribute
> more to the projects they use, but need more grounding in some of the tools
> required.
> What's in it for you
> ====================
> As well as helping to put you in a position to commit successfully to
> collaborative projects, the workshop's emphasis on using virtualenv/pip and
> git will help you manage your own work in a more streamlined and efficient
> way.
> The automate testing tutorial - the most substantial component of the
> workshop
> - will help you develop your software faster, better and more easily.
> What we'll cover
> ================
> The workshop will take participants through the complete cycle of
> identifying
> a simple issue in a Django or Python project, writing a patch with tests
> and
> documentation, and submitting it.
> The workshop will take you through the use of:
> * virtualenv and pip
> * git (and GitHub)
> * running and writing tests for Python applications
> * writing and building documentation using Sphinx
> * submitting a pull request
> A workbook and reference guide will be provided to support the workshop.
> What you need to know
> =====================
> The workshop is open to anyone, but places will be limited.
> Date: a weekday morning or afternoon in February or March 2012
> Venue: Cardiff University
> Attendance fee: none
> Let me know if you'd like to attend!
> Daniele
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