[python-uk] Micropython for microcontrollers

Michael Grazebrook michael at grazebrook.com
Tue Dec 3 23:55:22 CET 2013

Thanks. Just signed up for one.

I'm doing a bluetooth related development and what Damien's creating is 
exactly what I wanted - but couldn't find - when I started the project. 
The Nordic Semiconductor bluetooth module is a system-on-chip with 
enough memory to run this and also based around an ARM core.

On 03/12/2013 12:28, Sandy wrote:
> Had this pointed out to me yesterday, and controlling robotics with a 
> python interactive shell seemed too cool to pass up.
> Http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/214379695/micro-python-python-for-microcontrollers
> So, a step towards making a real Iron Python?
> S

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