[python-uk] saturday london python dojos?

Richard Nienaber rjnienaber at gmail.com
Tue Jan 31 14:32:03 CET 2012

> Actually, rather than run a dojo (which is quite a focussed affair)
> why not run a hackathon? Self selecting teams can coalesce around a
> problem area rather than specific problem and have 6 hours to produce
> something before a show-and-tell. For example, running a hackathon
> around the subject of "Living in London" (I'm making this up as I go
> along, can't you tell..?) might produce tools for grabbing data, quick
> and lightweight websites, data-analysis tools, cloud based APIs to
> aggregate information or single use applications such as something
> that sends you a text message if it's going to rain in London in the
> next 24 hours... and so on.

I'd love to participate in a hackathon. Another idea is putting together a
PSF sanctioned python sprint <http://pythonsprints.com/>. These are sprints
that would be for the benefit of the wider python community e.g.

   - Python Core work, e.g, bug triage, documentation
   - Porting libraries/applications to Python 3
   - PyPI and packaging related improvements
   - Contribution to Python VMs, e.g., PyPy, IronPython
   - Contribution to other Python projects, e.g., Django, PIL, pywin32 and
   so on...

The PSF are also willing to help out with costs if your application is

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