[python-uk] Python/Django vacancies in London, Bristol

Jason Cartwright jason at potatolondon.com
Mon Dec 3 11:11:36 CET 2012

Freelance & full-time Python & Django developers of varying experience
required to work on fun web projects. More information at:


You'll be working at our office in London, United Kingdom, developing
web tools and apps for huge audiences. Our clients include Google,
YouTube, News International, PayPal and other agencies such as BBH and

We're particularly interested in applicants that can demonstrate an
understanding of front-end web development (often using jQuery and
Backbone with beautifully marked up HTML) as well as getting their
hands dirty in the Python-based backend.

Experience working in an agency environment also a plus.

Drop us a line for a cup of tea and a chat.

Kind regards,

Jason Cartwright


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