[python-uk] Dojo / workshop on "TDD Django with Selenium" - any interest?

Harry Percival harry.percival at gmail.com
Thu Oct 13 18:26:23 CEST 2011

Hi-ho python peeps,

Would anyone be interested in a dojo / worksop on the topic of test-driven
Django development, with Selenium?

I've been working on a tutorial on the topic (<
https://github.com/hjwp/Test-Driven-Django-Tutorial> *) . I'm not claiming
to be a massive expert, but it's what I've learned at work over the last
year or so, so it's fresh in my mind... I'm pretty sure I could get a couple
of (ex?) colleagues to help present...

Would be aimed at beginners / people who don't know Selenium / people who
want to learn Django the "right" way / people who want to learn TDD... If
you already know Django and Selenium back to front, it would probably be of
less interest, although there may be some interesting discussions around
integrating the Django test runner, WebDriver vs Selenium-RC etc...

So, trying to get an idea of numbers - would anyone be interested?  London
area, venue suggestions also gratefully accepted...


* work in progress!  for example, the .jar file really isn't necessary...

Harry J.W. Percival
Mobile:  +44 (0) 78877 02511
Skype:         harry.percival
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