[python-uk] Want to join a PyWeek team?

Sally Hall sally at e-recruiter.co.uk
Fri Mar 4 18:01:30 CET 2011

Lol :)

01582 394851

-----Original Message-----
From: python-uk-bounces+sally=e-recruiter.co.uk at python.org [mailto:python-uk-bounces+sally=e-recruiter.co.uk at python.org] On Behalf Of Jonathan Hartley
Sent: 04 March 2011 16:50
To: UK Python Users
Subject: Re: [python-uk] Want to join a PyWeek team?

Me! Me! Me! Pick me! I'm the one!

On 04/03/2011 10:19, Ciarán Mooney wrote:
> Hi,
> The April 2011 PyWeek challenge has just opened for registration. The
> premise is to write a game, in python from scratch in a week. More
> details are on the website. The actual challenge starts on 3rd April
> and finishes 10th April.
> http://www.pyweek.org/
> It would be cool if a small (or large!) contingent of the UK python
> groups would join together for some python game-writing fun. Those
> that want to take part please email me.
> A few of us did it last year and it was great fun. There is no need to
> commit to a full weeks work, most of us worked from home in our spare
> time. We met up a few times face-to-face to get some work done which
> was also fun, but certainly not required. I'm London based and this
> was announced at the London Python Dojo, but that shouldn't be seen as
> a barrier to others who want to join the team.
> For an example of what can be made the product of our work last year
> was "Woger the wibbly wobbly wombat."
> http://pyweek.org/e/ldnpydojo/
> Now we don't expect to reach the lofty standards of Woger again this
> year, and it's certainly a competition where most of the fun is taking
> part rather than winning.
> One of the best things about PyWeek was checking out the next day and
> finding a game that was 10x better than when you left it, with fun
> extra features added in by your team mates.
> Ciarán
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Jonathan Hartley    tartley at tartley.com    http://tartley.com
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