[python-uk] Introduction

Luis Visintini lvisintini at gmail.com
Wed Jun 22 04:47:25 CEST 2011

 >>> print 'Hello World'

Hello everyone,

My name is Luis and I'm a Python user/developer/lover from Argentina.

I recently subscribed to this mailing list and I thought it would be 
nice to introduce myself.

I'm moving to London next august and, since here in Argentina we also 
have a Python mailing list and a very active python community (in which 
I try to be relatively active), I wanted to submerge in the UK Python 

This is probably is off-topic, but if any of you have tips or advice 
regarding my trip, I'm all ears.
Also, I'm in kind of a job hunt, so it would be awesome if any of you 
could give me some advise regarding that.
You can check my CV at http://bit.ly/hek67K
Help is always appreciated.

However, if you can't provide any assistance, that’s OK too. I'm always 
in the mood for stimulating conversation.

Are there any events or python conferences approaching?
Do some of you get together to have some beers sometimes?
Perhaps I could tag along and you can listen someone speak bad English. 

that's all, everyone.

see you around.


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