[python-uk] emacs and python and emacs-starter-kit

Menno Smits menno at freshfoo.com
Wed Mar 17 14:35:34 CET 2010

Hi Bruce,

I use both python-mode.el and ropemacs. The aren't
exclusive. python-mode.el provides (imperfect) syntax highlighting,
Python indentation, pdbtrack and other goodies. ropemacs
gives some powerful refactoring tools.

If you want to look, my Emacs config is at the Mercurial repo here:
(look under the emacs/.emacs.d directory)

It's browesable here:

All Python dependencies used by the Emacs config (eg. Pymacs,
ropemacs) are included in the config tree and loaded from
there. There's no need to install extra Python modules.

Let me know if you have any suggestions or more specific
questions. I'm always looking to improve my setup.


On Sun, Mar 07, 2010 at 03:26:45PM +0000, Bruce Durling wrote:
> Hi,
> I know from a number of python dojos that most of you don't use emacs, but I
> thought there might be some people lurking out there who might have an
> opinion on this.
> I'm currently using emacs-starter-kit [1] for my emacs set up having had
> .emacs files for .emacs.d directories lovingly handcrafted (or copy and
> pasted from emacswiki.org) with thousands of lines (though many of them were
> skeleton templates.
> While I really like emacs-starter-kit, the python support is poor. It also
> seems like there are a number of different ways for python to be supported
> in emacs (python-mode.el, python.el, ropemacs).
> Does anyone have any configurations or cool emacs python tips that they want
> to share? I'd like to look into improving the python support in
> emacs-starter-kit and I'd be interested in getting some suggestions.
> cheers,
> Bruce
> 1. http://github.com/technomancy/emacs-starter-kit

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