[python-uk] Code Dojo - yesterday and next year...

dave.x.kirby at gmail.com dave.x.kirby at gmail.com
Sun Jan 3 23:16:09 CET 2010

On Jan 3, 2010 9:49pm, Carles Pina i Estany <carles at pina.cat> wrote:

> see you in 4 days!

> Any planning/schedule?

If anyone is interested I would like to throw doing CRC design into the mix  
- I think it would work well with splitting the dojo into small groups.

CRC design is a simple way of doing software design as a team using index  
cards to represent classes, invented by Ward Cunningham and Kent Beck (who  
also invented Extreme Programming).

I could do a 5-minute introduction to CRC then the teams could do a short  
CRC design session before they start or while coding.

You can read more about CRC here:


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