[python-uk] Tell us what you did with Python this year....

python at rotwang.co.uk python at rotwang.co.uk
Mon Dec 20 15:43:10 CET 2010

On 20/12/10 12:43, Giorgio Zoppi wrote:
> 2010/12/20 Andy Robinson<andy at reportlab.com>:
>> As an attempt to generate some content and balance out the "jobs" discussion....
>> Why don't a few people here tell us what they got up to this year?
>> Neat projects at work, things you learned about Python in 2010, things
>> you've been playing with....
> Stub servers to simulate hardware behaviour with Twisted.
> Mock testing for a platform, that we're developing.

Measuring clock error in a Software Defined Radio system (using 
gnuradio) in real time.

Controlling a 2 axis mirror array to concentrate solar energy.

Generating CAD files for the manufacture of a worm gear wheel.

Making Christmas cards

Sadly I only got paid for some of it. The invoices are generated in 
Python though.

Dave Berkeley

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