[python-uk] Python UK user groups / website / coordination

Tim Golden mail at timgolden.me.uk
Mon Aug 2 14:21:12 CEST 2010

On 02/08/2010 09:16, Nicholas Tollervey wrote:
> During Europython a group of us who organise various Python related user groups within the UK went for a drink. Here's what we talked about:
> * We should organise an IRC chat sometime in August to coordinate ourselves.
> * Since we're spread rather thin on the ground it'd be good to coordinate a central "Python-UK" page for user groups / events that could contain a google-calendar, tweet-stream and links etc... (KISS)
> * We might be able to support the costs of running the site by having a very simple job-board for UK related Python jobs (er... 37signals ask for $400 for 30 days of advert for Ruby jobs - someone asked me to find out the figures)
> * It'd be great if there were more coordination between groups so they might be able to swap speakers, cooperate at events or organise activities together.
> * Some sort of python-hacker-barn-weekend event sounds cool.
> * The PSF might be persuaded to contribute some money for stuff.
> * We should try to make better use of the python-uk mailing list (hence this message) :-)

I'm all for it. At the very least we could create a page on the Python
Wiki. (I'm not a great fan of Wikis, but it is there...).

There's also Planet London Python -- http://londonpython.org.uk/ --
which I *think* Simon Brunning has the keys to. Don't know if he
still watches this list so I'm copying him on this email.

Don't know exactly what would work in practice, but it'll do no
harm to try for a bit of uk-centric cooperation and see what
comes of it.


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