[python-uk] Python project layout?

Thomas Morton morton.thomas at googlemail.com
Fri May 8 14:01:43 CEST 2009

Further to Tim's reply about project layout.

One of the tennats of Python is that it is a choice language. If you want to
put modules in a single file then do so. If it fits better in a directory
then that's fine too. Both work well and neither approach will make you a
leper to other Python devs. :)

I usually mix it up. Large modules go in directories. Simple small ones in a
single file :)

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2009/5/8 Tim Golden <mail at timgolden.me.uk>

> Alec Muffett wrote:
>> Hi folks,
> Hi, welcome to Python. Be aware that this list (python-uk)
> is very low volume, and tends to be used for announcements
> of UK Python meetups, conferences, jobs and the like. Nothing
> wrong with posting technical questions here, but you might
> be better off on the main Python list:
>  http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list
> As to your actual question re project layout, I myself
> don't have any strong feelings, and I haven't seen
> anything very authoritative noised about, either.
> The __init__.py file *is* in fact a part of the "syntax",
> so to speak, of Python: it indicates that the directory
> containing it is to be treated as a Python package:
>  http://docs.python.org/tutorial/modules.html#packages
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