[python-uk] [pyconuk] Proposed PyCon UK UnConference, 5th September

Michael Sparks sparks.m at gmail.com
Tue Aug 11 11:31:20 CEST 2009

On Friday 07 August 2009 10:25:39 Nicholas Tollervey wrote:
> As £2k is steep given the number of delegates (or lack thereof) how
> about a different venue for smaller numbers?

I could have offered a venue in Manchester which was essentially free at
the weekend (and recently used by Drupal Camp) if anyone had spoken to
me before booking and announcing the venue in Birmingham. (Struck me as
a rather odd, given I'd suggested such a beast a couple of years ago before
it being sidelined in favour of pycon uk which as then being organised behind
closed doors, and I'd looked into venues before, and also things moved on)

(I've got only intermittent connectivity since I'm on holiday and not "back"
for another week)

If the september unconference doesn't go ahead (as mentioned to John when he
announced the date, I don't even know if I can make it because it's been
arranged for the one weekend I find really awkward being the same weekend as
my daughter's birthday), I'll arrange a pycamp later in the year.



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