[python-uk] [pyconuk] Proposed PyCon UK UnConference, 5th September

Tim Head betatim at gmail.com
Fri Aug 7 16:36:48 CEST 2009


I would be interested in coming, but as I am arriving from the US the
day before and on the move to a summer school starting sunday evening
I was being a lurker waiting to see what kind of things people are
interested in talking about (Django is interesting but these days I
care more about scipy and such scientific software, also ctypes)
before committing.

B'ham is an excellent location for me as it is on the way to the
summer school ;-)


2009/8/7 Nicholas Tollervey <ntoll at ntoll.org>:
> True enough... but having a cut-down event in a smaller venue is better than
> having no event in a bigger one...
> Nicholas.
> On 7 Aug 2009, at 14:37, Zeth wrote:
>> It is a too late now to make such a drastic change less than a month
>> before, however I would certainly be interested in holding a future
>> event there.
>> 2009/8/7 Nicholas Tollervey <ntoll at ntoll.org>:
>>> Guys,
>>> I won't be able to attend on the 5th Sept as my brother is getting
>>> married
>>> on that date. Nevertheless, I still have some questions:
>>> How many attendees are needed for a viable event to take place..?
>>> As £2k is steep given the number of delegates (or lack thereof) how about
>>> a
>>> different venue for smaller numbers?
>>> Perhaps a venue that would attract geeks anyway, would be sympathetic to
>>> our
>>> needs and "we" (the Python community) already know of it?
>>> Bletchley Park..?
>>> Positives: Half way between London and Birmingham and walking distance
>>> from
>>> (the relatively well connected) Bletchley station. Existing relationship
>>> with BP - we'd probably only need a couple of the huts for an informal
>>> gathering. Lots of computers. They have a cafeteria etc...
>>> Negatives: Internet connection (lack of) - we'd need to check. Cost..?
>>> Would
>>> they be willing to "lend" the use of a couple of huts if "delegates" pay
>>> the
>>> entrance fee (about £10 iirc) or for a small charge..? Change of venue
>>> requires re-advertising. Insurance? (Is this needed should this be so
>>> much
>>> an "un" conference that the venue is only the "borrowing" of a couple of
>>> huts and we'd all just be visitors to a museum - a sort of un-conference
>>> "picnic").
>>> Just throwing ideas up in the air. Please shoot them down.
>>> Also, I live about 20mins from BP and I know there are others close by -
>>> should this idea have wings I'd be more than happy to be a body on the
>>> ground before the event.
>>> Nicholas.
>>> On 7 Aug 2009, at 09:34, René Dudfield wrote:
>>>> On Thu, Aug 6, 2009 at 6:43 PM, Michael Foord
>>>> <fuzzyman at voidspace.org.uk>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> In case anyone didn't spot it, the URL to book at is:
>>>>  http://pyconuk.org/booking.html
>>>> Michael
>>>> John Pinner wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> We confirmed the Unconference - http:///pyconuk.org <http://pyconuk.org>
>>>> -
>>>> a couple of weeks ago and announced it on the pyconuk and python-uk
>>>> lists.
>>>> Regrettably there has been a very poor response (2 delegates, and one of
>>>> those is me!) so faced with venue and insurance costs of approx £2k to
>>>> cover
>>>> it looks like we will have to cancel. Very disappointing given the high
>>>> level of interest expressed at EuroPython.
>>>> Unless of course there is a sudden rush...
>>>> We'll give it until the middle of next week before making a final
>>>> decision.
>>>> Best wishes,
>>>> John
>>>> --
>>>> Cool, I've booked it!
>>>> Looking forward to meeting some uk python peoples.
>>>> I hope it goes ahead... I was planning to book it earlier, but forgot
>>>> about it.  I imagine others also need reminding :)
>>>> cu,
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