[python-uk] Oren Eini is speaking at the UWE (Bristol)

jose simas josesimas at gmail.com
Tue Sep 30 12:42:05 CEST 2008


I hope I am not breaking any rules as this announcement is not exactly
about Python but I thought that some of you may live in the South West
and may be interested in going to a couple of presentations by Oren
Eini who, apart from being the creator of Rhino Mocks, is going to
publish a book called Building Domain Specific Languages with Boo.

The two talks are:
"Producing Production Quality Software"
"Interaction based testing with Rhino Mocks"

The meeting is free, all you have to do is register with the .NET
Developer Network. Registration is also free.  The meeting will take
place on the 13th of October at 18.00 at the UWE (University of the
West of England) in Bristol.

Meeting link (with details about the talks, registration, location, etc):

Oren Eini blog

I hope to see you there!

Jose Simas

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