[python-uk] Help Please

Python Freak newtopython at gmail.com
Mon Jan 29 06:07:22 CET 2007

Okay, how about this:

I don't know how to create the adjacency list at the first place! Can you
get me started please? If I start then I can make an attempt to create the
incidence list and the adjacency matrix representation. Here is the question

Consider a digraph with 10 vertices, labeled 1 through 10. You are given the
following adjacency list representation, where we first list the vertices
adjacent to vertex 1, and so on.

1*, *2; 2*, *3; 3*, *4; 4*, *5; 5*, *6; 6*, *7; 7*, *8; 8*, *9; 9*, *10; 10.

a) Write code to turn the adjacency list into an incidence list and an an
adjacency matrix.

b) Write code to turn the incidence list into an adjacency matrix.

On 1/28/07, Zeth Green <theology at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 29/01/07, Python Freak <newtopython at gmail.com> wrote:
> > I am clueless about where to start.
> Okay, I did economics for my first degree so we have something in
> common! (Although I am not sure my maths ever got that deep). There
> are many ways to do what you want. The first step is to mentally
> translate what you want to do into Python's data types.
> See here for a list of the basic types:
> http://docs.python.org/tut/node7.html
> Do not forget you can nest data types inside each other, so the most
> basic matrix is a set of lists inside a list.
> However once you understand what you are trying to do, it would then
> be worth downing tools and looking into the numpy module as it has
> many mathematical constructs all ready and abstracted for you.
> Look at http://numpy.scipy.org/ for hours of fun(?). See for example,
> https://networkx.lanl.gov/Reference/networkx.convert-module.html#to_numpy_matrix
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