steve howard oandocompanyplc at yahoo.com.au
Tue Mar 29 18:43:10 CEST 2005

Dear friend,               

I represent OANDO IMPORT AND EXPORT COMPANY PLC based in Australia. My company markets and exports Polymeric Polyol and other products for world trade. 
We are searching for representatives who can help us establish a medium of getting to our customers in Europe and America as well as making payments through you as our payment officer. It is upon this note that we seek your assistance to stand as our representative in your country. Note that, as our representative, you will receive 10% of whatever amount you clear for the company and the balance will be paid into an account we will avail to you. Please, to facilitate the conclusion of this transaction if accepted, do send me promptly by email the following:

(1)Your full names,
(2)Contact address and,Phone/fax numbers. 

Thank you for your time.

Very Respectfully,
Mr. Steve Howard

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