[Python-uk] Cambridge Python meeting in September?

Edward Welbourne Edward Welbourne <eddyw@lsl.co.uk>
Wed, 22 Sep 1999 17:19:50 +0100

> ... weekends have a lot going for them.  If it must be weekdays, a
> time like 8pm isn't too bad ...

here we collide with a generic problem of organising events whose folk
include a mix of parents (with Tibs' preferences) and those of us to
whom the weekends are for partying ...

One possible way out is to use Sunday lunch-time (1pmish), which seems
like it should just about work for both life-styles: other than that,
can anyone address the problem better than Wednesdayish at 8pmish ?

How many folk are going to care deeply about either being in a position
to smoke or not having to breathe the results ?  Cambridge does have a
smoke-less pub (Free Press) and at least some pubs (Haymakers, Cambridge
Blue) with segregated smoke-less zones, so we don't have to ignore this

Note: my choice of The Wrestlers' for the first meeting is a deliberate
ploy in *not* pre-empting the decision (to be taken there, inshallah) on
where to meet subsequently: it fails one of the first criteria I
anticipate us applying, for students' sake, to `regular' meeting place:
`in town'.  It does, however, do good Thai food (until 9pm) and is easy
to find (just head out of town along Newmarket Road: it's between
Coldham's lane and the railway bridge; Newmarket Road is what Jesus Lane
becomes).  This is what persuades me to suggest it for start-up.

So: Wednesday 29th September, 8pm, The Wrestlers ?
Absent any violent objections, I hope I'll see lots of folk there then ;^)
