[python-sg] Late to the party! :-)

Calvin Cheng calvin.cheng at od-eon.com
Sat Jun 25 08:50:06 CEST 2011

> - Why you think that Mailman has bad privacy setup?

I said it has a security flaw - Mailman users' passwords should not be sent unencrypted over the air/wire. Users of mailman get 'reminder email's once in a while that their password is 'blablabla' - in plaintext!!!! 

This is 2011. The only apps I see in the wild still storing users' passwords in their databases as plaintext are horridly written apps written by noobs.

And re eugene's point that I should just use a disposable password - no. That's  strong arming the user to remember tonnes of passwords if he subscribes to different lists or to different sites. Not a user friendly solution at all. Programmers build software. Software SERVE people who use them.

And there are tonnes of reasons why mailman is inferior to solutions like google groups too, including the fact which Martin has pointed out - bad web user interface. Google group's interface is infinitely more usable. And yes, MANY other serious open software groups use google groups to conduct their discussion too.

No solution is perfect, including philosophical imperfections like 'o, but google/facebook/whatever else is a corporation and that taints the purity of open source philosophies'... so in the end, it doesn't matter.

I just don't like mailman. It's not the kind of software I like to use, that's all. :-)

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