Cornelia Silvia Micoroiu corina.upb.fils at gmail.com
Mon May 18 21:12:15 CEST 2015

Buna seara. Am de facut un proiect in Python legat de Shortest First Job
Preemtive and non-Preemptive. Ideea este ca totul imi iese bine pana la
partea cu trasarea graficului in care sa arat cum se comporta CPU-ul. Si nu
ma descurc deloc. Am luat matplolib pip si alte biblioteci specifice
graficelor in python. Multumesc
Micoroiu Cornelia
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# cpu.py
class CPU(object):
  def __init__(self, id, proc = None):
    self.curr_proc = proc
    self.id = id
    self.finish_time = 0
    self.utilization_time = 0
    self.num_procs = 0
    self.free = lambda: True if self.curr_proc is None else False
-------------- partea urm��toare --------------
# nonpreemptiveSJF.py
from processes import *
from cpu import *
from copy import deepcopy
import random

# Shortest Job First algorithm without preemption
def sjfNoPreemption(processes,num_cpus):
  print "===== Running Non-preemptive SJF. ====="

  cpus = [CPU(i) for i in xrange(num_cpus)]
  ready_q = processes
  ready_q.sort(key=lambda proc: proc.burst_times[0])
  reentry_q = []
  completed_procs = []
  time = 0
  complete = 0
  num_bound_process = 0
  ran_cpus = []
  for item in processes:
    if isinstance(item,BoundProcess):

  while complete < num_bound_process:
    # Find any free cpu's and give them a process to execute if possible
    i = 0
    while i < len(cpus):
      if cpus[i].curr_proc is None and len(ready_q) > 0:
        cpus[i].curr_proc = ready_q.pop(0)

    # Count the number of free cpu's
    temp_count = 0
    for c in cpus:
      if c.curr_proc is None:

    # Check if everything is in the reentry_q
    if len(ready_q) == 0 and temp_count == num_cpus:
      time = minArrivalTime(reentry_q)
      i = 0
      while i < len(reentry_q):
        if reentry_q[i].reentry_time <= time:
          temp = reentry_q.pop(i)
          temp.wait_time += time-temp.reentry_time
      ready_q.sort(key=lambda proc: proc.burst_times[0])

    # Loop through the cpu's and execute each process for the cpus
    ran_cpus = []
    while len(cpus) > 0:

      # Determine the shortest process in any of the cpu's
      # The minTimeRemaining function actually pops the cpu from the list
      cpu_min = minTimeRemaining(cpus)

      if cpu_min.curr_proc is None:

      proc = deepcopy(cpu_min.curr_proc)
      exec_time = proc.burst_times.pop(0)
      cpu_min.curr_proc = None

      # Update the time info
      updateWaitTime(ready_q, exec_time)
      updateTurnaroundTime(ready_q, exec_time)
      updateBurstTimesInCPUs(cpus, exec_time)
      proc.turnaround_time += exec_time
      time += exec_time

      # Print results

      # Add the current process to the reentry_q
      if isinstance(proc,InteractiveProcess):
        proc.reentry_time = random.randint(1000,4500)+time
        if len(proc.burst_times) == 0:
          complete += 1
          proc.reentry_time = random.randint(1000,4500)+time

      while i < len(reentry_q):
        if reentry_q[i].reentry_time <= time:
          temp = reentry_q.pop(i)
          temp.wait_time += time-temp.reentry_time
      ready_q.sort(key=lambda proc: proc.burst_times[0])

      # Check if another process can be added to the current cpu
      if len(ready_q) != 0:
        cpu_min.curr_proc = ready_q.pop(0)

      # No matter what append the cpu that just finished to the ran_cpus list

    if complete < num_bound_process:
      cpus = ran_cpus
      if len(cpus) == 0:
      if len(ready_q) == 0:
        time = minArrivalTime(reentry_q)
      i = 0
      while i < len(reentry_q):
        if reentry_q[i].reentry_time <= time:
          temp = reentry_q.pop(i)
          temp.wait_time += time-temp.reentry_time
    ready_q.sort(key=lambda proc: proc.burst_times[0])

  for item in reentry_q:
  for item in ready_q:
  for c in ran_cpus:
    if c.curr_proc is None:

  print "===== Non-preemptive SJF completed. ====="

  completed_procs.sort(key=lambda proc: proc.id)
  interactive_procs = [cpu.curr_proc for cpu in cpus if not cpu.curr_proc is None]
  interactive_procs.extend([proc for proc in ready_q])
  interactive_procs.extend([proc for proc in reentry_q])
  all_cpus = cpus.extend(ran_cpus)
  return completed_procs, interactive_procs, cpus, time

  # Find the minimum amount of time remaining for all the cpu's. This assumes
  # that the minimum exists.
def minTimeRemaining(cpus):
  min_curr_burst = 10000
  min_cpu = None
  for cpu in cpus:
    if cpu.curr_proc is None:
      if cpu.curr_proc.burst_times[0] < min_curr_burst:
        min_curr_burst = cpu.curr_proc.burst_times[0]
  if min_curr_burst == 10000:
    return cpus.pop(0)
  # Find the process with the minimum burst time
  for cpu in cpus:
    if cpu.curr_proc is None:
      if cpu.curr_proc.burst_times[0] == min_curr_burst:
        # Find, remove from the list of cpu's, and return the cpu with
        # the least amount of time remaining on it's current process
        min_cpu = cpus.pop(cpus.index(cpu))
  return min_cpu

# Find the minimum arrival time of the elements in the reentry_q
def minArrivalTime(reentry_q):
  min_arrive = 0
  for item in reentry_q:
    if min_arrive == 0:
      min_arrive = item.reentry_time
    elif item.reentry_time < min_arrive:
      min_arrive = item.reentry_time
  return min_arrive

# Subtract the amount of time elapsed from the processes in the CPU's
# and update turnaround times for those processes
def updateBurstTimesInCPUs(cpus, elapsed_time):
  for c in cpus:
    if c.curr_proc is None:
      if c.curr_proc.burst_times[0] < elapsed_time:
        c.curr_proc.turnaround_time += c.curr_proc.burst_times[0]
        c.curr_proc.burst_times[0] = 0
        c.curr_proc.turnaround_time += elapsed_time
        c.curr_proc.burst_times[0] -= elapsed_time

# Updates the turnaround_time of everything in the queue.
def updateTurnaroundTime(ready_q, t):
  for proc in ready_q:
    proc.turnaround_time += t

# Update the total wait time and wait time
def updateWaitTime(procs, wait_time):
  for proc in procs:
    proc.wait_time += wait_time

# Print that the burst was completed
def printBurstCompletion(proc, t):
  proc_type = "CPU-bound" if isinstance(proc, BoundProcess) else "Interactive"
  print ("[time {0}ms] {1} process ID {2} CPU burst done "
         "(turnaround time {3}ms, total wait time {4}ms)").format(t, proc_type,
            proc.id, proc.turnaround_time, proc.total_wait_time)
-------------- partea urm��toare --------------
# Learn about API authentication here: https://plot.ly/python/getting-started
# Find your api_key here: https://plot.ly/settings/api

import plotly.plotly as py
#import plotly as py
from plotly.graph_objs import *
#from py.graph_objs import * 

trace1 = Bar(
    x=['giraffes', 'orangutans', 'monkeys'],
    y=[20, 14, 23],
    name='SF Zoo'
trace2 = Bar(
    x=['giraffes', 'orangutans', 'monkeys'],
    y=[12, 18, 29],
    name='LA Zoo'
data = Data([trace1, trace2])
layout = Layout(
fig = Figure(data=data, layout=layout)
plot_url = py.plot(fig, filename='grouped-bar')
-------------- partea urm��toare --------------
# preemptive_priority.py
from processes import *
from collections import deque
from cpu import CPU
import random
import sys

MAX_PRIORITY        = 4
AGING_VALUE         = 1200
MAX_TIME            = 9999999

def preemptivePriority(procs, num_cpus, context_switch_time):
  print "===== Running Preemptive Priority with FCFS. ====="

  ready_q = deque(sorted(procs, reverse=True))
  queue_order = len(ready_q)
  completed_procs = []
  time = 0
  exec_time = 0
  reentry_q = deque([])
  curr_proc = None
  cpu_list = [CPU(n) for n in xrange(1, num_cpus+1)]

  for proc in ready_q:
    printProcessEnteredReadyQueue(proc, time)

  # Set the age times for each process in the ready queue
  for proc in ready_q:

  # Enter main while loop
  while not terminateSimulation(ready_q, cpu_list, reentry_q):
    # Sort the reentry and ready queues
    reentry_q = deque(sorted(reentry_q))
    ready_q = deque(sorted(ready_q, reverse=True))

    # Find the CPU that will finish bursting next, including
    # CPUs that have no processes running
    next_available_cpu = cpu_list[0]
    min_finish_time = cpu_list[0].finish_time
    for cpu in cpu_list:
      if cpu.finish_time < min_finish_time:
        next_available_cpu = cpu
        min_finish_time = cpu.finish_time

    # This next block determines what action will be run next, be it filling
    # an empty CPU, a process getting preemptive by another with a higher
    # priority, a process aging, etc. It does not yet execute the action,
    # it simply determines which action will come next

    # Create a dummy next_action tuple
    next_action = (MAX_TIME, "filler")
    if len(ready_q) > 0:
      proc = ready_q[0]
      for cpu in cpu_list:
        if not cpu.curr_proc:
          # If there are processes in the ready queue and there is an
          # empty CPU, then fill it without any time delay
          next_action = (time, "fill-cpu", cpu, proc)
        elif proc > cpu.curr_proc and proc.id != cpu.curr_proc.id:
          # If there is a process in the ready queue that should preempt
          # a process in the CPUs, then run the preemption without any
          # time delay
          next_action = (time, "preempt", cpu, proc)
        elif cpu.finish_time < next_action[0]:
          # If a process finishes bursting normally, then switch it out
          # with a process from the ready queue after bursting
          next_action = (cpu.finish_time, "switch", cpu, proc)

      for proc in ready_q:
        if len(proc.age_times) > 0 and proc.age_times[0] <= next_action[0]:
          # If a process will age before anything else happens, then 
          # increment the priority of the process
          next_action = (proc.age_times[0], "age", proc)
      # Determine the next CPU to finish bursting that is actually running
      # a process burst
      min_finish_time = MAX_TIME
      next_running_cpu = None
      for cpu in cpu_list:
        if cpu.curr_proc and cpu.finish_time < min_finish_time:
          min_finish_time = cpu.finish_time
          next_running_cpu = cpu

      if next_running_cpu and next_running_cpu.finish_time < next_action[0]:
        # If there is a CPU running something and it will finish bursting before
        # any other action, then have it end its burst
        next_action = (next_running_cpu.finish_time, "burst-end", next_running_cpu)
    if len(reentry_q) > 0:
      if reentry_q[0][0] < next_action[0]:
        # If a process will enter the ready queue before any other action, then
        # add it to the ready queue
        next_action = (reentry_q[0][0], "ready", reentry_q[0][1])

    # For bookkeeping purposes, store the time before executing anything
    # then increment the time appropriately
    old_time = time
    time = next_action[0]
    if time < old_time:
      time = old_time

    # Update the turnaround and wait times of the two queues
    updateTurnaroundTime(ready_q, time - old_time)
    updateWaitTime(ready_q, time - old_time)

    # If a burst ends without getting replaced
    if next_action[1] == "burst-end":
      # Context switch with a no-op
      printContextSwitch(next_action[2].curr_proc, None, time)
      time += context_switch_time

      # Prepare the old process to be added to the reentry queue
      proc = next_action[2].curr_proc
      proc.num_bursts += 1
      proc.total_turnaround_time += time - old_time
      proc.turnaround_time += time - old_time

      # If the old process was a bound process
      if isinstance(proc, BoundProcess):
        if len(proc.burst_times) > 0:
          # If it has another burst then print the burst completion and
          # update the correct values
          printBurstCompletion(proc, time)

          # Append it back to the reentry queue
          reentry_q.append((time + random.randint(1200,3200), proc))
          # If there are no more bursts left then print the termination
          # and update the correct values
          printProcessTermination(proc, time)

          # Append it to the list of completed processes
        # If the process is not a bound process it is interactive
        # in which case update values and append it back onto the
        # reentry queue
        printBurstCompletion(proc, time)
        reentry_q.append((time + random.randint(1000,4500), proc))

      # Update the time values in the CPUs and ready queue
      for cpu in cpu_list:
        if cpu.curr_proc:
          cpu.utilization_time += time-old_time
          cpu.curr_proc.turnaround_time += time-old_time

      updateTurnaroundTime(ready_q, context_switch_time)

      # Reset the CPU to a state without any processes running
      next_action[2].curr_proc = None
      next_action[2].finish_time = time

    # If a process is to be preempted by one from the ready queue
    elif next_action[1] == "preempt":
      # Decrement the burst time of the old process accordingly
      proc = next_action[2].curr_proc
      proc.burst_times[-1] -= next_action[2].utilization_time

      # Run the context switch
      printContextSwitch(next_action[2].curr_proc, proc, time)
      time += context_switch_time

      updateTurnaroundTime(ready_q, context_switch_time)

      # Prepare the process for entry back into the ready queue
      proc.ready_time = time

      # Replace the old process with the new one
      printProcessEnteredReadyQueue(proc, time)
      new_proc = ready_q.popleft()
      next_action[2].curr_proc = new_proc
      next_action[2].finish_time = time + new_proc.burst_times[-1]

      # Update the times appropriately
      for cpu in cpu_list:
        if cpu.curr_proc:
          cpu.utilization_time += (time-old_time)
          cpu.curr_proc.turnaround_time += time-old_time

    # If a new process is to enter the ready queue
    elif next_action[1] == "ready":
      # Prepare the process to enter the ready queue and remove it
      # from the reentry queue. Then add it to the ready queue
      next_action[2].ready_time = time
      printProcessEnteredReadyQueue(next_action[2], time)

      # Update times appropriately
      for cpu in cpu_list:
        if cpu.curr_proc:
          cpu.utilization_time += (time-old_time)
          cpu.curr_proc.turnaround_time += time-old_time

    # If a process ages
    elif next_action[1] == "age":
      # Decrement its priority
      next_action[2].priority -= 1

      # Remove its first age time and print the message
      printProcessAged(next_action[2], time)

      # Update times appropriately
      for cpu in cpu_list:
        if cpu.curr_proc:
          cpu.utilization_time += (time-old_time)
          cpu.curr_proc.turnaround_time += time-old_time

    # If a process is added to an empty CPU
    elif next_action[1] == "fill-cpu":
      # Pop it from the ready queue and update the CPU's attributes
      next_action[2].curr_proc = ready_q.popleft()
      next_action[2].finish_time = time + next_action[2].curr_proc.burst_times[-1]

    # If a process has finished bursting and must be switched out for another
    # process
    elif next_action[1] == "switch":
      # Pop the next process from the ready queue
      next_proc = ready_q.popleft()
      printContextSwitch(next_action[2].curr_proc, next_proc, time)
      time += context_switch_time

      # Prepare the old process to get added back onto the reentry queue
      proc = next_action[2].curr_proc
      proc.num_bursts += 1
      proc.total_turnaround_time += time - old_time
      proc.turnaround_time += time - old_time
      # If the old process was a bound process
      if isinstance(proc, BoundProcess):
        if len(proc.burst_times) > 0:
          # If it has another burst then print the burst completion and
          # update the correct values
          printBurstCompletion(proc, time)

          # Append it back to the reentry queue
          reentry_q.append((time + random.randint(1200,3200), proc))
          # If there are no more bursts left then print the termination
          # and update the correct values
          printProcessTermination(proc, time)

          # Append it to the list of completed processes
        # If the process is not a bound process it is interactive
        # in which case update values and append it back onto the
        # reentry queue
        printBurstCompletion(proc, time)
        reentry_q.append((time + random.randint(1000,4500), proc))

      # Update the time values in the CPUs and the ready queue
      for cpu in cpu_list:
        if cpu.curr_proc:
          cpu.utilization_time += (time-old_time)
          cpu.curr_proc.turnaround_time += time-old_time
      updateTurnaroundTime(ready_q, context_switch_time)

      # Replace the old process with the new one and update values
      # accordingly
      next_action[2].curr_proc = next_proc
      next_action[2].finish_time = time + next_proc.burst_times[-1]

  print "===== Preemptive Priority completed. ====="
  interactive_procs = [cpu.curr_proc for cpu in cpu_list if not cpu.curr_proc is None]
  interactive_procs.extend([proc[1] for proc in ready_q])
  interactive_procs.extend([proc[1] for proc in reentry_q])
  return completed_procs, interactive_procs, cpu_list, time

def set_age_times(proc):
  proc.age_times = []
  for i in range(1,proc.priority+1):
    proc.age_times.append(proc.ready_time + i*AGING_VALUE)

# Updates the turnaround_time of everything in the queue.
def updateTurnaroundTime(ready_q, t):
  for proc in ready_q:
    proc.turnaround_time += t

# Updates the wait_time of everything in the queue.
def updateWaitTime(procs, wait_time):
  for proc in procs:
    proc.wait_time += wait_time

def printContextSwitch(proc_curr, proc_next, t):
  if not proc_next:
    print ("[time {0}ms] Context switch (swapping out process ID {1} "
         "for None)").format(t, proc_curr.id)
    print ("[time {0}ms] Context switch (swapping out process ID {1} "
         "for process ID {2})").format(t, proc_curr.id, proc_next.id)

def printBurstCompletion(proc, t):
  proc_type = "CPU-bound" if isinstance(proc, BoundProcess) else "Interactive"
  print ("[time {0}ms] {1} process ID {2} CPU burst done "
         "(turnaround time {3}ms, total wait time {4}ms)").format(t, proc_type,
            proc.id, proc.turnaround_time, proc.wait_time)

def printProcessTermination(proc, t):
  proc_type = "CPU-bound" if isinstance(proc, BoundProcess) else "Interactive"
  print ("[time {0}ms] {1} process ID {2} terminated (avg turnaround "
         "time {3:.3f}ms, avg total wait time {4:.3f}ms)").format(t, proc_type,
            proc.id, proc.avg_turnaround, proc.avg_wait)

def printProcessEnteredReadyQueue(proc, t):
  proc_type = "CPU-bound" if isinstance(proc, BoundProcess) else "Interactive"
  print ("[time {0}ms] {1} process ID {2} entered ready queue "
         "(requires {3}ms CPU time; priority {4})").format(t, proc_type,
          proc.id, proc.burst_times[-1], proc.priority)

def printProcessAged(proc, t):
  proc_type = "CPU-bound" if isinstance(proc, BoundProcess) else "Interactive"
  print ("[time {0}ms] Increased priority of {1} process ID {2}"
         " to {3} due to aging").format(t, proc_type, proc.id, proc.priority)

# Checks for at least one BoundProcess in the ready queue, reentry queue, or CPU
# processes. If it finds one, then the simulation is not terminated.
def terminateSimulation(ready_q, cpu_list, reentry_q):
  for x in ready_q:
    if isinstance(x, BoundProcess):
      return False

  for x in cpu_list:
    if isinstance(x.curr_proc, BoundProcess):
      return False
  for x in reentry_q:
    if isinstance(x[1], BoundProcess):
      return False

  return True
-------------- partea urm��toare --------------
# preemptiveSJF.py

from processes import *
from cpu import *
from copy import deepcopy
import random

# Shortest Job First algorithm with preemption
def sjfPreemption(processes, num_cpus):
  print "===== Running Preemptive SJF. ====="

  num_processes = len(processes)
  cpus = [CPU(i) for i in xrange(num_cpus)]
  ready_q = processes
  ready_q.sort(key=lambda proc: proc.burst_times[0])
  reentry_q = []
  completed_procs = []
  time = 0
  complete = 0
  num_bound_process = 0
  ran_cpus = []
  for item in processes:
    if isinstance(item,BoundProcess):

  while complete < num_bound_process:
    # Find any free cpu's and give them a process to execute if possible
    i = 0
    while i < len(cpus):
      if cpus[i].curr_proc is None and len(ready_q) > 0:
        cpus[i].curr_proc = ready_q.pop(0)

    # Count the number of free cpu's
    temp_count = 0
    for c in cpus:
      if c.curr_proc is None:

    # Check if everything is in the reentry_q
    if len(ready_q) == 0 and temp_count == num_cpus:
      time = minArrivalTime(reentry_q)
      i = 0
      while i < len(reentry_q):
        if reentry_q[i].reentry_time <= time:
          temp = reentry_q.pop(i)
          temp.wait_time += time-temp.reentry_time
      ready_q.sort(key=lambda proc: proc.burst_times[0])

    # Loop through the cpu's and execute each process for the cpus
    ran_cpus = []
    while len(cpus) > 0:

      # Determine the shortest process in any of the cpu's
      # The minTimeRemaining function actually pops the cpu from the list
      cpu_min = minTimeRemaining(cpus)

      if cpu_min.curr_proc is None:

      if num_cpus < num_processes:
        i = 0
        while i < len(reentry_q):
          if reentry_q[i].reentry_time < time+cpu_min.curr_proc.burst_times[0]:
            if reentry_q[i].burst_times[0] < (time+cpu_min.curr_proc.burst_times[0]-reentry_q[i].burst_times[0]):
              temp = reentry_q.pop(i)
              updateBurstTimesInCPUs(cpus, temp.reentry_time-time)

              for c in cpus:
                if c.curr_proc is None:
                  c.curr_proc.turnaround_time += temp.reentry_time-time+2


              cpu_min.curr_proc = temp
        ready_q.sort(key=lambda proc: proc.burst_times[0])

      proc = deepcopy(cpu_min.curr_proc)
      exec_time = proc.burst_times.pop(0)
      cpu_min.curr_proc = None

      # Update the time info
      updateWaitTime(ready_q, exec_time)
      updateTurnaroundTime(ready_q, exec_time)
      updateBurstTimesInCPUs(cpus, exec_time)
      proc.turnaround_time += exec_time
      time += exec_time

      # Print results

      # Add the current process to the reentry_q
      if isinstance(proc,InteractiveProcess):
        proc.reentry_time = random.randint(1000,4500)+time
        if len(proc.burst_times) == 0:
          complete += 1
          proc.reentry_time = random.randint(1000,4500)+time

      while i < len(reentry_q):
        if reentry_q[i].reentry_time <= time:
          temp = reentry_q.pop(i)
          temp.wait_time += time-temp.reentry_time
      ready_q.sort(key=lambda proc: proc.burst_times[0])

      if len(ready_q) != 0:
        cpu_min.curr_proc = ready_q.pop(0)

      # No matter what append the cpu that just finished to the ran_cpus list

    if complete < num_bound_process:
      cpus = ran_cpus
      if len(cpus) == 0:
      if len(ready_q) == 0:
        time = minArrivalTime(reentry_q)
      i = 0
      while i < len(reentry_q):
        if reentry_q[i].reentry_time <= time:
          temp = reentry_q.pop(i)
          temp.wait_time += time-temp.reentry_time
    ready_q.sort(key=lambda proc: proc.burst_times[0])

  for item in reentry_q:
  for item in ready_q:
  for c in ran_cpus:
    if c.curr_proc is None:

  print "===== Preemptive SJF completed. ====="

  completed_procs.sort(key=lambda proc: proc.id)
  interactive_procs = [cpu.curr_proc for cpu in cpus if not cpu.curr_proc is None]
  interactive_procs.extend([proc for proc in ready_q])
  interactive_procs.extend([proc for proc in reentry_q])
  all_cpus = cpus.extend(ran_cpus)
  return completed_procs, interactive_procs, cpus, time

# Find the minimum amount of time remaining for all the cpu's. This assumes
# that the minimum exists.
def minTimeRemaining(cpus):
  min_curr_burst = 10000
  min_cpu = None
  for cpu in cpus:
    if cpu.curr_proc is None:
      if cpu.curr_proc.burst_times[0] < min_curr_burst:
        min_curr_burst = cpu.curr_proc.burst_times[0]
  if min_curr_burst == 10000:
    return cpus.pop(0)
  # Find the process with the minimum burst time
  for cpu in cpus:
    if cpu.curr_proc is None:
      if cpu.curr_proc.burst_times[0] == min_curr_burst:
        # Find, remove from the list of cpu's, and return the cpu with the
        # least amount of time remaining on it's current process
        min_cpu = cpus.pop(cpus.index(cpu))
  return min_cpu

# Find the minimum arrival time of the elements in the reentry_q
def minArrivalTime(reentry_q):
  min_arrive = 0
  for item in reentry_q:
    if min_arrive == 0:
      min_arrive = item.reentry_time
    elif item.reentry_time < min_arrive:
      min_arrive = item.reentry_time
  return min_arrive

# Subtract the amount of time elapsed from the processes in the cpu's
def updateBurstTimesInCPUs(cpus, elapsed_time):
  for c in cpus:
    if c.curr_proc is None:
      if c.curr_proc.burst_times[0] < elapsed_time:
        c.curr_proc.turnaround_time += c.curr_proc.burst_times[0]
        c.curr_proc.burst_times[0] = 0
        c.curr_proc.turnaround_time += elapsed_time
        c.curr_proc.burst_times[0] -= elapsed_time

# Updates the turnaround_time of everything in the queue.
def updateTurnaroundTime(ready_q, t):
  for proc in ready_q:
    proc.turnaround_time += t

# Update the total wait time and wait time
def updateWaitTime(procs, wait_time):
  for proc in procs:
    proc.wait_time += wait_time

# Print that there was a context switch when a process was preempted
def printContextSwitch(proc_curr, proc_next, t):
  print ("[time {0}ms] Context switch (swapping out process ID {1} "
         "for process ID {2})").format(t, proc_curr.id, proc_next.id)

# Print that the burst was completed
def printBurstCompletion(proc, t):
  proc_type = "CPU-bound" if isinstance(proc, BoundProcess) else "Interactive"
  print ("[time {0}ms] {1} process ID {2} CPU burst done "
         "(turnaround time {3}ms, total wait time {4}ms)").format(t, proc_type,
            proc.id, proc.turnaround_time, proc.total_wait_time)
-------------- partea urm��toare --------------

import random

class Process(object):
  def __init__(self, id, priority = 0, queue_order = 0, ready_time = 0):
    self.id = id
    self.priority = priority
    self.original_priority = priority
    self.num_bursts = 0

    # Sum of the burst times
    self.burst_sum = 0

    # time the process reenters the ready_q
    self.reentry_time = 0

    # time the process entered ready queue
    self.ready_time = ready_time
    # times at which the process will age
    self.age_times = []

    # wait_time is the wait time for one burst
    self.wait_time = 0
    self.total_wait_time = 0

    # turnaround_time is the turnaround time for one burst
    self.turnaround_time = 0
    self.total_turnaround_time = 0

    self.min_turnaround = 1000000000
    self.max_turnaround = 0
    self.avg_turnaround = 0

    self.min_wait = 1000000000
    self.max_wait = 0
    self.avg_wait = 0

    # queue_order is the position in the priority queue for FCFS
    self.queue_order = queue_order

  def __str__(self):
    burst = None if len(self.burst_times) == 0 else self.burst_times[-1]
    return "Process {0} with priority level {1}, current burst {2}".format(
      self.id, self.priority, burst)

  def __repr__(self):
    burst = None if len(self.burst_times) == 0 else self.burst_times[-1]
    return "Process {0}: priority {1}, current burst {2}".format(
      self.id, self.priority, burst)

  def __cmp__(self, other):
    if self.priority == other.priority:
      if self.queue_order < other.queue_order:
        return 1
      elif self.queue_order > other.queue_order:
        return -1
        return 0
    elif self.priority < other.priority:
      return 1
      return -1

  # Determine and update the min, max and avg turnaround times for the process.
  def updateTurnaround(self):
    self.total_turnaround_time += self.turnaround_time

    if self.min_turnaround is None:
      self.min_turnaround = self.turnaround_time
      self.max_turnaround = self.turnaround_time
      self.avg_turnaround = self.turnaround_time
    elif self.turnaround_time < self.min_turnaround:
      self.min_turnaround = self.turnaround_time
    elif self.turnaround_time > self.max_turnaround:
      self.max_turnaround = self.turnaround_time

    if self.num_bursts > 0:
      self.avg_turnaround = (self.avg_turnaround * (self.num_bursts-1) + 
    self.turnaround_time = 0

  # Determine and update the min, max and avg wait times for the process.
  def updateWait(self):
    self.total_wait_time += self.wait_time

    if self.min_wait is None:
      self.min_wait = self.wait_time
      self.max_wait = self.wait_time
      self.avg_wait = self.wait_time
    elif self.wait_time < self.min_wait:
      self.min_wait = self.wait_time
    elif self.wait_time > self.max_wait:
      self.max_wait = self.wait_time

    if self.num_bursts > 0:
      self.avg_wait = (self.avg_wait * (self.num_bursts-1) + 
    self.wait_time = 0

class InteractiveProcess(Process):
  def __init__(self, id, priority = 0, queue_order = 0):
    Process.__init__(self, id, priority)
    # make some random value (possibly generate randomly for every burst)
    self.burst_times = [random.randint(20, 200)]
    self.time_in_wait_q = None
    self.total_burst_time = self.burst_times[0]

  def genNewBurstTime(self):
    if len(self.burst_times) == 0:
      self.burst_times = [random.randint(20, 200)]
      self.total_burst_time += self.burst_times[0]

      raise BurstError("The burst_times list is not empty but it should be.")

class BoundProcess(Process):
  def __init__(self, id, bursts = 8, priority = 0, queue_order = 0):
    Process.__init__(self, id, priority)
    # make some random value (possibly generate randomly for every burst)
    self.burst_times = [random.randint(200, 3000) for _ in xrange(bursts)]
    self.total_burst_time = sum(self.burst_times)
    self.num_bursts = bursts

class BurstError(Exception):
  def __init__(self, value):
    self.value = value

  def __str__(self):
    return __repr__(self.value)
-------------- partea urm��toare --------------
# round_robin.py

from cpu import CPU
from collections import deque
from copy import deepcopy
from processes import *
import random
import sys

def roundRobin(procs, num_cpus, t_slice, context_switch_time):
  print "===== Running Round Robin with timeslice of {}ms =====".format(t_slice)
  ready_q = deque(procs)
  completed_procs = []
  time = 0
  exec_time = 0
  reentry_q = deque([])
  cpu_list = [CPU(n) for n in xrange(1, num_cpus + 1)]
  num_bound_procs = len([proc for proc in procs if isinstance(proc,

  for proc in ready_q:
    printProcessEnteredReadyQueue(proc, time)

  # Start the Round Robin algorithm.
  while len(completed_procs) < num_bound_procs:

    # Sort the reentry queue by next process to reenter.
    reentry_q = deque(sorted(reentry_q))
    # Go through the reentry_q and pop anything with a reentry time greater than
    # or equal to the current time, meaning it should reenter the ready queue.
    while len(reentry_q) > 0 and reentry_q[0][0] <= time:
      proc = reentry_q.popleft()[1]
      printProcessEnteredReadyQueue(proc, time)

    # If the ready_q and all CPUs are empty fastforward to when the process will
    # go into the ready_q
    if len(ready_q) == 0 and allCPUsEmpty(cpu_list):
      time = reentry_q[0][0]
      cpu_list[0].curr_proc = reentry_q.popleft()[1]
      cpu_list[0].finish_time = time + min(cpu_list[0].curr_proc
        .burst_times[-1], t_slice)
      cpu_list[0].utilization_time += cpu_list[0].finish_time - time
      printProcessEnteredReadyQueue(cpu_list[0].curr_proc, time)

    # Refill the CPUs.
    fillCPUs(cpu_list, ready_q, t_slice, time)

    # Find the CPU with the process that will finish soonest.
    filtered = [cpu for cpu in cpu_list if not (cpu.curr_proc is None)]
    soonest_proc_cpu = min(filtered,
                           key=lambda x: (x.finish_time,
    exec_time = soonest_proc_cpu.finish_time - time
    updateWaitTime(ready_q, exec_time)
    updateTurnaroundTime(ready_q, exec_time)
    # Update the turnaround and burst times of every currently executing process
    for cpu in cpu_list:
      if cpu.curr_proc:
        cpu.curr_proc.burst_times[-1] -= exec_time
        cpu.curr_proc.turnaround_time += exec_time

    time = soonest_proc_cpu.finish_time

    # Check if the process is done with its burst.
    if soonest_proc_cpu.curr_proc.burst_times[-1] <= 0:
      # print " -->Added to reentry_q {}".format(soonest_proc_cpu.curr_proc)
      # Check if the process is to be terminated.
      if len(soonest_proc_cpu.curr_proc.burst_times) == 0 and isinstance(soonest_proc_cpu.curr_proc, BoundProcess):
        handleTermination(soonest_proc_cpu, completed_procs, reentry_q, time)
      # If not, then it needs to be added to the reentry_q
        addToReentryQ(soonest_proc_cpu, reentry_q, time)
    # Otherwise the process is not done with its burst and goes back straight
    # back into the ready_q
      # print "  Added to ready_q {}".format(soonest_proc_cpu.curr_proc)
      addToReadyQ(soonest_proc_cpu, ready_q, t_slice, context_switch_time, time)

  print "===== Round Robin completed. ====="

  interactive_procs = [cpu.curr_proc for cpu in cpu_list if not cpu.curr_proc is None]
  interactive_procs.extend([proc[1] for proc in ready_q])
  interactive_procs.extend([proc[1] for proc in reentry_q])
  return completed_procs, interactive_procs, cpu_list, time
  # printStuff(completed_procs, reentry_q, ready_q, cpu_list, time)

def handleTermination(cpu, completed_procs, reentry_q, time):
  printBurstCompletion(cpu.curr_proc, time)
  # The process is a BoundProcess
  if isinstance(cpu.curr_proc, BoundProcess):
    printProcessTermination(cpu.curr_proc, time)
  # The process is an InteractiveProcess
    reentry_q.append((time + random.randint(1000, 4500), cpu.curr_proc))

def addToReentryQ(cpu, reentry_q, time):
  printBurstCompletion(cpu.curr_proc, time)
  # The process is a BoundProcess
  if isinstance(cpu.curr_proc, BoundProcess):
    reentry_time = time + random.randint(1200, 3200)
    reentry_q.append((reentry_time, cpu.curr_proc))
  # The process is an InteractiveProcess
    reentry_time = time + random.randint(1000, 4500)
    reentry_q.append((reentry_time, cpu.curr_proc))

def addToReadyQ(cpu, ready_q, t_slice, t_cs, time):
  printProcessEnteredReadyQueue(cpu.curr_proc, time)
  handleContextSwitch(cpu.curr_proc, ready_q[0], t_cs, time)
  cpu.curr_proc = ready_q.popleft()
  cpu.finish_time = time + min(cpu.curr_proc.burst_times[-1], t_slice)

# Handles a CPU and its process after the process is finished executing.
def finishCPU(cpu):
  # These first 3 lines do not matter for InteractiveProcesses.
  cpu.curr_proc.num_bursts += 1
  # These last 2 lines are important for any Process.
  cpu.curr_proc = None
  cpu.finish_time = None

# Fill the CPUs with processes
def fillCPUs(cpus, ready_q, t_slice, time,):
  for cpu in cpus:
    if cpu.curr_proc is None and len(ready_q) != 0:
      cpu.curr_proc = ready_q.popleft()
      cpu.finish_time = time + min(cpu.curr_proc.burst_times[-1], t_slice)
      cpu.utilization_time += cpu.finish_time - time

def printStuff(comp, reentry, ready, cpus, time):
  print "\ntime: {}".format(time)
  print "-> completed"
  for proc in comp:
    print proc
  print "-> reentry_q"
  for proc in reentry:
    print proc
  print "-> ready_q"
  for proc in ready:
    print proc
  print "-> CPUs"
  for cpu in cpus:
    print cpu.curr_proc

def allCPUsEmpty(cpus):
  for cpu in cpus:
    if not cpu.curr_proc is None:
      return False
  return True

# Updates the turnaround_time of everything in the queue.
def updateTurnaroundTime(ready_q, t):
  for proc in ready_q:
    proc.turnaround_time += t

# Updates the wait_time of everything in the queue.
def updateWaitTime(procs, wait_time):
  for proc in procs:
    proc.wait_time += wait_time

def handleContextSwitch(proc_curr, proc_next, t_cs, t):
  proc_curr.turnaround_time += t_cs/2
  proc_next.turnaround_time += t_cs/2
  print ("[time {0}ms] Context switch (swapping out process ID {1} "
         "for process ID {2})").format(t, proc_curr.id, proc_next.id)

def printBurstCompletion(proc, t):
  proc_type = "CPU-bound" if isinstance(proc, BoundProcess) else "Interactive"
  print ("[time {0}ms] {1} process ID {2} CPU burst done "
         "(turnaround time {3}ms, total wait time {4}ms)").format(t, proc_type,
            proc.id, proc.turnaround_time, proc.total_wait_time)

def printProcessTermination(proc, t):
  proc_type = "CPU-bound" if isinstance(proc, BoundProcess) else "Interactive"
  print ("[time {0}ms] {1} process ID {2} terminated (avg turnaround time "
         "{3:.3f}ms, avg total wait time {4:.3f}ms)").format(
    t, proc_type, proc.id, proc.avg_turnaround, proc.avg_wait)

def printProcessEnteredReadyQueue(proc, t):
  proc_type = "CPU-bound" if isinstance(proc, BoundProcess) else "Interactive"
  print ("[time {0}ms] {1} process ID {2} entered ready queue "
         "(requires {3}ms CPU time; priority {4})").format(t, proc_type,
          proc.id, proc.burst_times[-1], proc.priority)
-------------- partea urm��toare --------------
# simulation.py
from collections import deque
from copy import deepcopy
from cpu import CPU
import getopt
from preemptive_priority import preemptivePriority
from processes import *
import random
from round_robin import roundRobin
import sys
from nonpreemptiveSJF import sjfNoPreemption
from preemptiveSJF import sjfPreemption

MAX_PRIORITY        = 4
NUM_CPUS            = 4
NUM_PROCS           = 12
TIME_SLICE          = 100

# Command line parsing.
  options, remainder = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], '', 
except getopt.GetoptError as err:
  print str(err)

for opt, arg in options:
  if opt == '--context_switch':
  elif opt == 'num_cpus':
    NUM_CPUS = arg
  elif opt == 'num_procs':
    NUM_PROCS = arg
  elif opt == 'time_slice':
    TIME_SLICE = arg

def main():
  procs = generateProcessList(NUM_PROCS)

  procs_preemp_sjf = deepcopy(procs)
  procs_nopreemp_sjf = deepcopy(procs)
  procs_rr = deepcopy(procs)
  procs_pp = deepcopy(procs)
  sjfp_complete, sjfp_interactive, sjfp_cpus, sjfp_t = sjfPreemption(
    procs_preemp_sjf, NUM_CPUS)
  printFinalStats(sjfp_complete, sjfp_interactive, sjfp_cpus, sjfp_t)

  sjfnp_complete, sjfnp_interactive, sjfnp_cpus, sjfnp_t = sjfNoPreemption(
    procs_nopreemp_sjf, NUM_CPUS)
  printFinalStats(sjfnp_complete, sjfnp_interactive, sjfnp_cpus, sjfnp_t)

  rr_complete, rr_interactive, rr_cpus, rr_t = roundRobin(
  printFinalStats(rr_complete, rr_interactive, rr_cpus, rr_t)

  pp_complete, pp_interactive, pp_cpus, pp_t = preemptivePriority(
  printFinalStats(pp_complete, pp_interactive, pp_cpus, pp_t)

# Print the final analysis stats for each algorithm
def printFinalStats(completed, interactive, cpus, time):
  min_turnaround = min(completed, key=lambda x: x.min_turnaround).min_turnaround
  max_turnaround = max(completed, key=lambda x: x.max_turnaround).max_turnaround
  avg_turnaround = sum([proc.avg_turnaround for proc in completed])/len(completed)

  min_wait = min(completed, key=lambda x: x.min_wait).min_wait
  max_wait = max(completed, key=lambda x: x.max_wait).max_wait
  avg_wait = sum([proc.avg_wait for proc in completed])/len(completed)

  avg_utilization = sum([(cpu.utilization_time*1.0) for cpu in cpus])/time
  print "Turnaround time: min {0} ms; avg {1:.3f} ms; max {2} ms".format(
      min_turnaround, avg_turnaround, max_turnaround)
  print "Total wait time: min {0} ms; avg {1:.3f} ms; max {2} ms".format(
      min_wait, avg_wait, max_wait)
  print "Average CPU utilization: {0:.3f}%".format(

  # Compile a list of all the processes and sort them by pid.
  all_procs = completed
  all_procs = list(set(all_procs))
  all_procs.sort(key= lambda x: x.id)
  print "Average CPU utilization per process:"
  for proc in all_procs:
    print "  process ID {0}: {1:.3f}%".format(proc.id,

# Generate a random list of prioritized processes and print that they've been 
# added to the ready queue
def generateProcessList(n):
  procs = []
  queue_order = 0
  procs.append(BoundProcess(1, priority=random.randint(0, MAX_PRIORITY), 
  for id in xrange(2, n+1):
    queue_order += 1
    rand = random.random()
    priority = random.randint(0,MAX_PRIORITY);
    if(rand < 0.8):
      procs.append(InteractiveProcess(id, priority=priority,
      procs.append(BoundProcess(id, priority=priority,
    queue_order += 1
  return procs

if __name__ == '__main__':

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