[Python-porting] Pylint checkers for Python 2/3 compatibility

Brett Cannon bcannon at gmail.com
Fri Jul 25 20:42:07 CEST 2014

I think I've reached beta quality for caniusepython3 3.0.0 where I have
implemented custom Pylint checkers for various things that will break in
Python 3 (e.g. referencing built-ins that are removed or have different
semantics, etc.). The goal with the checkers is for projects to use them
after running modernize(3k) or futurize on their code to prevent regressing
their Python 2/3 source-compatibility.

The code can be found at
https://github.com/brettcannon/caniusepython3/tree/pylint . Feedback is
welcome before I make an official release.
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