[Python-porting] Recommended Python version?

Jürgen Hamel jhamel at cyrus-computer.de
Tue Jun 15 20:10:43 CEST 2010

On Tue, 15 Jun 2010 13:32:53 -0400
"R. David Murray" <rdmurray at bitdance.com> wrote:

> Python2 and Python3 can coexist.  Python3 is available *now* for almost
> all Linux platforms, and is no harder to install on Windows than Python2
> is.  (And since most significant Windows aps that use Python bundle it,
> they don't have any install issue with using Python3 at all.)
oh yes, but we have luck and it is NOT the standard Installation

> > For all normal user of this systems is python 2.x installed, and not
> > all user are Systemadmins.  A lot of user of my program for example
> > are really normal linux user, use it for business !
> More and more linux systems will start having Python3 installed out
> of the box.  This is already happening, and that was Marc's point.
> All Linux users can install software through their system's package
> manager, and the package managers of all Linux systems are (or will
> be soon) capable of installing a Python3 as a dependency.
Sorry, perhaps my bad English, mostly all users of my program didn`t know
how to install a program.  They didn`t know what a paket manager is. 
And just this last week I have the first time of my project-life setup a deb-Installer.

> > I try since over 2 and a half years to find a solution for my project,
> > but there is no way to convert it.
> Have you asked for help here?  (I'm new here, I really don't know)
I need no help for porting, I will simple not do this work until it is really needet !
And I think, the next 10 years it is not needet !

> > A lot of libs are 2.x and no normal PC with Linux has an installed
> > python 3.x !! At Windows it looks not better !!
> Well, if you have dependencies that have not ported yet, then that's
> a different problem.  (BIND 10 doesn't have that problem.)  See above
> for the rest.
> > I hope really, that in some year a python version 3.x exists, that can
> > execute both, 2.x and 3.x scripts.
> This will not happen, but *you* can write your scripts so that they
> can execute on either.
I do that perhaps in some years, perhaps not .

> > The current situation is a mess, to much python 2.x scripts are in the
> > world, and the only solution is a python version, that allow  to
> > execute both !! I know all arguments, but there is a big diff between
> > the wish to use python 3.x and the reality.
> What are the issues that are blocking you from using Python3, other than
> dependencies on libraries that haven't themselves been ported yet?
I checked it just last year and there are the most packages that I need, are not ported, 
so the twisted ( web, mail, words )  packages. Also reportlab and pygtk seems have some trouble
with unicode and str. Other are the database driver. And for a lot of packages I didn`t know it, 
perhaps is there a central internetsite who ported packages are listed ?
(gtkmozembed, gtksourceview, imaging with sane backend, and so on !! )

And some of the other packages will never ported, I must do that then myself.

And then, it is only a lot of work for me ( new installer, new dependencies) for no
advantages. My Project is very soon 3x compatible, mostly only some 1000 prints must
 changes, that can do a script. But last year also they say, that python3 is slower , I don`t know.
And really, a lot of work only for so few changes, that is not my way. 

2 Years ago I thought, it was a good and nice thing to change to python3, but for me it is now 
clear, that I must wait 5 or 10 years to port my project.


Cyrus-Computer GmbH Linux Server Support Jürgen Hamel
Cuon - Warenwirtschaft mit Linux  http://www.cuon.org
Twitter: cuonOne    Jabber: jhamel at cuonsim2.de
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