[python-nl] Python Meetup Octobre 22nd

Folkje folkje at byte.nl
Mon Sep 1 09:31:46 CEST 2014

On 08/31/2014 04:19 AM, Reinout van Rees wrote:
> (I'm making a bit of a point about it as I don't want to default to 
> Amsterdam as the default meeting location for the 10-year-old PUN 
> meetings just because someone decided to start a python group in 
> Amsterdam a few months ago :-) ) 
I don't think our initiative to start up an Amsterdam-based Python group 
needs to undermine your plans to organize PUNs elsewhere. We just liked 
to get together more often :)

In this case, I tried very hard to hook up with the organizers of PUN, 
because I too heard that there were plans to organize one in sept/okt in 
Amsterdam. Since I failed at getting anything confirmed, I just decided 
to go on with our own plans. If you still want, I'd be happy to give 
this one a PUN label as well. But I'll be just as happy if you poke 
someone else to organize a different Meetup.

Either way, everybody is welcome to join us 

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